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About freshstate24

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  1. http://www.mp3playerstore.com/stuff_you ... ex.html#TV I am interested in getting one of these, I figure a 75 dollar investment wont be that big of a waste of money if it doesnt work... they also have an EBAY store with good rating so I know its safe to buy from them.
  2. I cant figure out a way to upload my adress book. I tried switching my sim card into my old windows mobile phone but that didnt work. I tried putting in a CD with all the contacts info on it to see if it would somehow conect witht he BTB device and upload them there. I have had no luck. If anyone else can come up with a method that would be amazing! I would say that is the biggest flaw I have had with my iPhone.
  3. So you dont think it works that well and you wouldnt have bought it knowing what you know now... then why did you buy 2 of them???? I also have an Iphone and I dont think it works that great with it, my old windows mobile phone i could see the incoming phone calls caller ID now its just the number. That is a huge flaw with this unit (the BTB) and the Iphone.
  4. where do you live... it is getting colder dont people get more static shock from when the air is thin and its colder out? I know once winter comes up in New England i am known to get shocked alot more.
  5. "axxo" is a person that rips dvds to DIVX format and shares them online. So all that video is, is a DIVX encoded video file. If you have a program that burns DVD's like Nero for example you create a Data DVD, now if you have single layer DVD's they are about 4gbs that means you can hold roughly 5/6 movies by axxo because his are about .700 gigs each. If you have a dual layered DVD and a burner that can burn such dvds you can get about 8GBs which means you can get about 11 movies on there. I would suggest just getting a second an 80gb 5th generation Ipod video and fill that up. I hope this
  6. Nav Traffic is for XM subscribers only... well as of now, they are planning a merger so this may change if the merger happens.
  7. so just the nav traffic unit, not the unit without... thats too bad, i dont want the traffic but ill miss the scores like my delphi gives to me!
  8. I have a question about the XM tuners... will either of them give me info other then trafic, say about Sports Scores or Stocks like an info ticker? I feel like I read some where that one of the units had this option (maybe it was in the D3 users guide) but I have yet to see this feature advertised on a discription of the units. Thanks for your help. P.S. i used the search for this and didnt really find anything, if their answer has already been posted can you point me to it?
  9. ok thanks... by testing it do you mean just tap into it and see if it works? Will this hurt anything if its the improper wire? the VSS wire from the D3 is read only right, it doesnt out put any energy that could mess anything electrical up right? Thanks again
  10. So I have had the D3 installed for almost a month now with no VSS hookup and feel i could get somewhat better GPS with it connected like everyone says but I havent got full clarification if I have the correct wire. I had read and posted at this post but the OP of it had issue with the wire I thought it was and didnt want to incorrectly wire anything (afraid it would cause issues). http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic. ... ight=camry . Everything else in the install went great so any help here would be awesome I check this website daily and learn new things almost everyday so thanks in adv
  11. will using a phone with push contacts to upload the contacts then use your non push contact phone work? For example i have an iphone what if i conect my old windows mobile phone will i be able to push all the names/contacts with that then sync my iphone to it and have them stored?????
  12. Has anyone tested this to see if it works? Can I use my old windows mobile phone to store numbers into my Avic then use my Iphone to control those numbers???? If the numbers are already stored on the Avic it should be able to transfer them to another account right?
  13. Was about to do my Camry on Monday night, i have read alot of posts from this website over the past month or so and wanted to make sure I got this right. I even went to the12volt to find some more wiring info as to not ask newbie type questions. Then today i check posts and see one about the same location as my Camry after doing all that research. I took pictures of where i think this VSS wire is on the ECM behind the glove box and i just was hoping for conformation before I go back in and hook it up. Thanks for the help/replies in advanced. Drew
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