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Everything posted by chefwong

  1. I believe Fast.... Waze or G Maps get it right every time. Granted, I've only tried to have it route once in the 8200. But the test, just reminded me of how the 8000 was just as bad.
  2. I never used my 8000 for navi. I did use it when it was 1st installed....but it had me going over water, etc, all over the map, and the routing was terrible. Just for testing, I plotted a route today on the 8200Nex. Traffic was clear, and the obvious route was stay on the freeway until the destination exit. 8200 Wanted me to exit and take XYZ route. Does anyone actually use your avic for navi......literally, the test route was just so bad . Routing aside, waze and goggle real time traffic analysis, navi IMO that is on my phone and follows me everywhere is far superior.
  3. Just got a 8200 that replaced a 8000 as well. Same deal. 1.02 firmware. I have the 1.01 firmware in hand expecting to update the HU once installed. Go figure when I saw that the unit already had a different revision than the ~latest~ one that was on Pioneers USA website I drove the wifes car once since swap. Have not noticied any bugginess except for one instance where bluetooth audio was playing, then it stopped as if it got disconnected and it also sent some weird feedback (aka, speaker pop). Not using onboard speaker lines - line out to Amps.
  4. Mike - Maybe I'm having a moment and I'm thinking about it in the Z Series. And or it was in the 8000, but a firmware update removed it ? I kinda remember when GPS had me all over the place on the map, there was a setting that allowed you to tell the system if the antenna was installed forward or rearward placement.
  5. Unless I'm thinking about the prior Z, I could have sworn in my 8000, there was a option in the settings to tell it where the GPS antenna was installed - forward of vehicle or rearward. Just poking around the 8200. I don't see such a option. Actually, as I type this, I'm pretty accurate there was such a option in my 8000, as I was never too crazed about it'a accuracy, as it always seemed a couple feet short.....and remember such options when I was tinkering around.
  6. While I don't use the navi on our 8000 unit, it started to act up with the Igo spinning, then disappearing with no maps.... Everything else worked fine. In googling, the same issue I currently had with my 8000 also happened to users of the 8200. Go figure...
  7. OT, but how up to date is Pioneers website Replaced Nex 8000 with 8200. Had memory card on hard with latest firmware off Pioneers site....just in case it was not up to date. Pioneers site shows 1.01 as the latest firmware for it. My unit came with 1.02....
  8. Hello - Anyone happen to know what is the latest Map Update for the 8200 ? Let's say there is a pending Q update within 3 months ? If I'm okay with just installing the HU and NOT connecting the GPS until let's say after the next NaviExtras update comes out, do you think this should be good2go re: the 45 day GPS initial signal - timestamp
  9. When do guys think 2016Q3 will be released.... I might hold off depending on what the official answer is on map update release
  10. Planning to swap 8000 to 8200. Should I connect it now and then get my map update... Or should I wait. How often are map updates released ?
  11. Is the wire harness off the 8000 the same as the 8100 - aka, straight remove/swap ?
  12. I don't even use the Navi on our 8XXX series. With real time analysis, Waze or Google is far superior. In driving testing, the routing of Waze is pretty damm great on the roads it has me take during traffic/rush hour. Some may find it daunting....as it's not all main roads.
  13. Maps is not the issue for me. I can find every addressed I needed/wanted on it. It was the routing. The real time ~analysis~ via Waze/Google always offers the best routes possible . For example, if I'm heading to X, at my desk, I'll launch G Maps, route the address and I will take the ~other~ route versus the route I would normally take, based on traffic conditions. Saved me 20-25 minutes of commute time.
  14. From my initial use of the bleh routing on my Nex 8X, I've always just either Google Maps or Waze for Navi. Real time traffic routing, etc. IMO, far superior. Have not done the HDMI route to see it on the Nex screen. That would be the only thing I would need/change.
  15. After the FW update, go into BT, and choose the BT firmware update
  16. Are these firmware updates updating the maps . Or just ~funtionality~ UI to the maps itself ?
  17. Nex 8000 Car is in the shop so I can't verify. But if I recall, let's say I have google maps open . BT connection from iPhone to Nex 8000. I am using Radio as a source. If G Maps tells me a navigation direction change, etc, I WON'T HEAR it unless I have BT as a source. I'm in a rental currently, and BT audio like G Maps talks, even when I am using Radio or XM, etc
  18. Hmmm....Bill. There clearly MUST have been a bad batch. I have not gotten around to calling Pioneer myself I posted something similar back in October http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/39664-recalibrate-gps/&do=findComment&comment=285519
  19. Pulled up the Instal Manual - does not state that the GPS antenna is orientation specific. Pulled up the GPS stat while driving - at all /most time, the screen is reading all satellites and the status is *high*. However, in reality , there is def. some GPS wonkiness issues per the OP.
  20. Thank for the 1.08 update. Sadly, looks like any firmware update will be somewhat *destructive* in that it does destroy Nav settings, pinpoints, etc and you need to start from scratch each time. Bearing 1.06 did this and now this one, I suspect all FW updates will do just the same.
  21. Yeap. Check . Speedpulse is working. Surprise to not see anybody else seeing similar issues...
  22. Is there such a thing as recalibrating the GPS My VSS wire is hooked up on my Nex8000 At times, let's say highways with service road. The Nex will have me on the Service road, then on Highway, then on Service road, etc --- when I'm steadily cruising on the highway and not the service road. This issues seems to be more during higher speeds than local street driving. For example, I was on a highway cross over water. It had me on the highway, then on a local street 1/4 mile to the left of the highway, then I was on the water body , etc - and my *onscreen location* was flipping betwe
  23. Forget about updating the apps. Their routing is terrible.... I think even my old Z3 offered more logical routes than my 8000
  24. FWIW, my installer did not connect the VSS speed wire. I asked him about it, he told me Alpine, Kenwood, etc stopped using that years ago, and Pioneer is the only one that seems to want it. For the most part, I noticed this when the GPS was off by a couple of feet. Import, when on local streets, and you just missed a turn by a hair.. Yesterday, while GPS had me on the vicinity of the route I was traveling, it was way off. It had me going North, then E, then North, etc - when I was traveling straight on the freeway. At times, even when passing over small bridges, etc, it has me *east* i
  25. Hello - About to order up a Avic Nex 8000. Couple of questions How long is the stock GPS cable. Want to route that to the back of the rooftop rear spoiler . I can't determine which cable route to go since CarPlay is not released yet. Do I go with the standard USB one or the HDMI for Appradio...or is Appradio overhyped.
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