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Everything posted by chriSpe

  1. Take a deeper look at the posting of asd255 I added the [interface] show_mute=1 part to the sys.txt of my F60DAB (=NEX8000) with FW 1.11. The button appears (and shows a dialog for Volume) but I didn't tested yet if it really changes the volume (have to look at the menu first to reactivate the voices)
  2. Delete /igo/content/speedcam/* and place the SpeedCamText.txt (SpeedcamUpdates.spb should work too) in this folder worked fine for me
  3. I've uploaded the content of my flash-USB without igo/content/map, buildings and poi. Copy the content to a USB, copy your map-files to igo/content and try. Scripts are already inside. But, since its from a f60/8000nex it may not work or cause weired issues on your 8100. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=77B46B8063BA3D82!120&authkey=!APfw_VlTCPUdtq0&ithint=file%2czip As far as i know the phoneme files are for the correct pronounciation of text-to-speech for the different countries. So, if driving in France with a german language setting, the street names will be
  4. Here is a list of files in my IGO folder (F60dab, original european 13q2). May look slightly different on a 8100NEX
  5. Yes. Normal way: AvicToUSB: makes a copy of your IGO folder from the device to the USB. Then you can chance the files you want to. E.g. for a new map replacing the content of /igo/content/building/ /igo/content/map/ /igo/content/poi/ /igo/license/ The use USBtoAvic to copy your new IGO folder from the USB to the unit. The script will completly replace the IGO folder, so every needed file must be on the USB (like /igo/ux/* ..), not only the new map files.
  6. If you have a valid copy of an IGO folder, yes. The USBtoAvic does only delete the IGO folder on the unit, copy the folder from the USB to the unit and apply the attributes.
  7. Should do it. I used a elektret-microphone capsule, with a simple 3,7V phantom-power from a LI-Ion batttery, a resistor and a capacitor and it worked. Frequency Response (Pink Noise) after Auto-EQ, measured with the same capsule: But, the auto-EQ produced a lot of background noise (approx 5db) beginning at 10kHz on my unit, so i switched it off and use the custom-EQ only. This is "silence", yellow with auto-EQ off and green with auto-EQ on:
  8. So, what did you do? If you were using USBtoAvic from an empty USB (with no Backup on it made with AvicToUsb), then yes, your IGO folder is deleted. Look at the scripts to understand what they do. It's simple deleting, copying and adjust the file attributes, no rocket science. Try to find a backup of the IGO-Folder if you have none (you should have.., i have only F60/8000NEX files), or simply buy a F70 with working European maps.
  9. If the patch was successfully installed there should be an "library_before" and "library_after" file on the USB. To install the maps use AVICtoUSB and USBtoAVIC scripts pasted somewhere in the forum.
  10. No. NNG, who makes the iGO navigation-software, is a hungarian company. HERE is registered in the Netherlands
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