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About asd255

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  1. Thanks for your feedback. we now know it works I was glad to help
  2. your problem is with the radio power supply when the engine starts, the voltage drops to a minimum level and the radio reboots can be solved by installing an additional condenser.
  3. Hi, Can i activate adnroid auto on F960DAB? Thanks

  4. Hi...i have an avh-w4400 and recently had a error when booting..Need help in getting a new sd card for avh to avic...Please help...Any help would be good...will pay iif need be..please PM me if thats okay...Liem

  5. after inserting the SD card into the radio, a password is set on it. The SD card will not be read by WInodows. in the disk manager you will see a RAW partition. you won't be able to format it.
  6. if you cannot enter commands, then you have a problem connecting the TX wire from the USB TTL adapter you also have an unstable RX connection I see artifacts in your log
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