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About strength

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  1. Dang, I got the SD Card for the 4200 hoping I could just grab the IMG file. Sadly, it's a Pioneer disk and do I can't see the partitions on it. Without the radio I can't do the backup process you have here. Does anyone have a 4200 who would be able to create the IMG file? Again, I'm asking because I don't have the radio unit or I would. I wanted to get the file for everyone looking for that IMG disk.
  2. The radios use a firmware on an SD Card to run the radio software and apps. Sometimes, over time, this card gets messed up (corrupted) and stops working. SO we have to replace it. It's inside, so you have to take the radio apart to get access. By replacing these cards you can fix radios that have issues with booting up, or give error messages.
  3. Shoot me an email and I'm happy to help: eevil_the_smurf@hotmail.com
  4. I got a copy of the 4200 disk, but I can't see anything on the disk. I can't pull the disk image. It doesn't even show a partition. Anyone have some insight in how to do this?? UPDATE: So I need a 4200 video to this. Damn.
  5. I can confirm the 4400 file in here works, got mine back up and running like a beast. Trying to help a friend with their 4200. I've searched and searched but cannot find a backup SD img file for the AVH-4200NEX model. Has anyone had luck with it? From what I'm finding no one has gotten a backup of the 4200. I now how to flash it to the SD card, I just need the file. Any help is appreciated. I'll even host it on my Google Drive if I can get it.
  6. Appears the 4200 unit is the most elusive SD img to find. anyone have luck? I'm scoring the nets with no luck. Or, an img that would work with the 4200, I'm not 100% sure what the European model is. Trying to help someone fix their error screen, I did my 4400 but they have a 4200.
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