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About wrxmikey

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  1. Or just be a little less lazy and read a few topics down on the main page for this forum... did you look at all? Kudos to HiFiSi for supporting the old adage, "Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime..." with the search function lesson.
  2. One more question... it appears that everything is working properly as I drove around all day without ever having the parking brake warning message pop up (finally!) but my Check Engine Light has now come on. This light comes on every once in awhile due to the extensive modifications I have done to my car, but the timing of the CEL and my electrical work was a bit suspect so I thought I'd ask: is it possible that I did something to cause the CEL to come on, or is that totally out of left field?
  3. by the way, how did you tap into your existing XM antenna? that would make an excellent new topic for the mods section of this board....
  4. i got mine on ebay for $167.95 with free shipping. there's a bunch of them on there. that should always be your first place to look for stuff like that. go get one tiger.
  5. Yeah, the emergency brake cable is loose so it takes a couple clicks to even touch metal.
  6. Why is it not advisable if the parking brake is not actually engaged? I don't want to install a switch because I've had cops actually search the inside of my car for switches before when I had none. Otherwise, does the parking brake wire NEED to be grounded or does pulling the brake handle up a click suffice?
  7. my RCA harness was never used when they installed my AVIC D3. i moved the mute wire to the correct port on the harness and plugged it into the back of my D3 with no wires attached to the other end. the mute wire out of the box has a rubber cover over the end opposite the plug. do i need to do anything to that wire or does the rubber cover act as a ground if it's not connected to anything? i don't want to ground my parking brake lead because i can pull my parking brake up one click and effectively use this as a switch to enable video playback without having the brake actually engaged. would eit
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