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Everything posted by BorisM

  1. I'd think that it does need MSND receiver/decoder, rather like you could enable TMC screens, too, but without a TMC receiver they would not do you much good...
  2. Yeah, msnd.ui and msnd_800_480.uij are the actual MSN screens, and advmenuXX.ui controls if the button is shown...
  3. BorisM


    Take about 30 seconds per color scheme I might get around to it, if I manage to find a Navigon-like scheme...
  4. I believe buttons are turned on simply by the model code that is coded in the scripts. Still, I find it very unlikely that Pioneer would've built in the MSND receiver but charged less....
  5. OK, tested, and these files import into AVIC just fine. I just wish there were a decent list of speed cameras... The one here is notably deficient...
  6. BorisM


    Not right away. You need to unzip the archive and change the UI folder name from iGO's default ui_igo8 to the one AVIC uses -- ui_pioneer. Then make sure none of the INI files refers to any custom bitmaps (car arrow replacements, usually) that we don't have. Then it should work.
  7. BorisM


    Don't we all. There are large collections of col,or schemes available for iGO. Check, for example, http://www.igo8mods.com/dimka_schemes.htm
  8. What ever you import as POIs will show up on screen, but they are not treated as speedcams by the software. Here's a new import program. Produced files do get imported into a PDA version of iGO so I see no reason they should not import into AVIC either. I also included already converted text files and the .spdb file that iGO created on my phone as well, but I am not sure if spdb is portable between devices. To use: run the program, click process button, select KML files you want and click Open in the file selector. It will think for a few seconds and spit out TXT files. Still n
  9. OK, I've found what the problem was -- latitude and longitude were reversed between what KML (and anything else ) uses and what iGO expects. I've changed the executable (it will also process multiple files now). If I am happy with import results, I'll post it later today.
  10. OK, I've found an easier way to test import of speedcams, so let me check...
  11. Yes, I'm trying to pull some things out of them. Unfortunately, since NavNGo isn't exactly forthcoming with information about the scripting language, it is a slow process... Speedcamera speech files require a special script. I will have to see how difficult it is to add it in...
  12. For those who want to explore some of the more advanced skins for iGO here are links to two of реу more popular ones: Gurjon: http://sites.google.com/site/gurjon/Home diMka: http://www.igo8mods.com/dimka.htm
  13. Select the Gas Stations POI category, then click Search button on the bottom, enter nothing in the name field, and click done... works for me. But they did not do it as easy as it shulod be...
  14. I changed mine to 256.0 (in addition to all other changes) and no problems. Are you sure your pioneer.ini is still inside the project_config folder in the archive?
  15. Yeah, cosmetics aren't my strongest side... The detour screen... So far I just uncommented code that hides it, so if you set something to avoid from the Itinerary screen, you can fix it there. On a real iGO skin this button would do much more. I am trying to study a couple of the more advanced skins to see how difficult it would be to rip out advanced detour management. On a proper skin you can do things like set certain streets to be avoided on certain days/times (i.e. don't use that highway to downtown during rush hour, but use it if it is empty other times)... Re: cleanup.
  16. Still working... This Speedcam button ius defined in PLACE.UI and I didn't even change it in the latest scripts...
  17. Strange... It does work for me. I'll double-check when I get to the car, but it was working yesterday...
  18. VBLUE et al: OK, I had a few minutes here and there so here's an application that will take a KML file in POI-Factory format, and spit out a TXT file in (I think ) correct iGO format. I haven't had time to add any graphic niuceties, so there is one big button. Click on a button, sleect file, and it will spit out a TXT file with the same name in the same folder. In does look at speed limits, if POI-Factory included them, and can at least distinguish between red light cameras, fixed cameras, mobile, and speed zone ones. I haven't had a chance to actually test resulting files y
  19. OK, I can parse these KML files (they are not _quite_ standard) into something reasonable now. When I have time (gotta do some work, you know...) I'm have a program that goes through camera descriptions and extracts as much зща a camera type and speed limit as possible, then writes it out to an iGO compatible file...
  20. Actually .icon files are just pointers to spr and bmp files. Default icons are in poimapdistant.bmp and poimapclose.bmp. You could use a branding.zip file to override built-in icons but I have not seen a good one that includes US brands. Working on making one now, but my graphic skills suck.. Alternatively you could try using adding an .icon file (look at existing one for sample) and an icon you want to use to your DATA.ZIP file...
  21. Enjoy! Note: if you waqnt to clean up your DATA.ZIP, you could try deleting all of UI files that are not in my archive... There were quite a few duplicate files in the original, particularly in COMMON direcotry it duplicated all files from COMMON\UI... cigga24 --- no, it should not have any effect on the hardware bypass at all.
  22. Works with 256, too, although it could be Km/h, but still plenty fast
  23. Well, if it's the latest build of iGO there were quite a few fixes, supposedly, so it's a good thing...
  24. Here's the latest version of my scripts: 1. Duplicate scripts removed. 2. Needed scripts cleaned up a bit for smakker size 3. Software bypass 4. skycrave's blue box fix 5. POI address search (still needs cosmetic work) 6. Speed cameras 7. House numbers 8. Visible MSN Directo debug buttons 9. Route settings allow turning "snap to road" on and off 10. Route settings allow changing vehicle type (care, pedestrian, truck, taxi, bus, bicycle, emergency) - 700-90 models only right now. 11. Decent Branding file TODO: 1. better detour interface 2. Cosmetics for POI address search 3. R
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