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Everything posted by dumpystig

  1. Aw c'mon dianebrat: BUTCHER ??? LOL And J-E-A-L-O-U-S ??? haha that really made me laugh, I'm a grown-up. I had an iPhone for a few days, used it, thought it was crap - end of story, simple. Was my comment really of so much significance to you? If so that's pretty sad. Enjoy your iPhone, enjoy your life. Like I do
  2. Haha yeah I don't like the i-Phone (obviously) but it's no big deal to me. I get on with life no matter what. Maybe you should all do the same. And ignore me Happy daze
  3. Probably coz i-Phones are crap. My Nokia X6 takes over the call from my 500, albeit after a slight (silent) delay, no prob
  4. Sorry bud, can't help with the pin connections, but the 'black boxes' you refer to will either be fuses (in which case you can open it/them to access the fuse) or noise/interference suppressors (in which case you cannot open it/them, it/they will be sealed units). Probably not much help but at least you've learned something new today Good luck with the pin-outs.
  5. I agree with all of the above - but I'm still right in what I say, too many eager to take/make requests but very slow in offering anything back. Anyway, enough of this, time to move on. Happy moddin
  6. I think it's fair - obviously - and I also think it's true. Take a look at how many pages there are of IDT's mods, and you mean to tell me that NONE of those respondents are any good at icons/bitmaps....... cmon, get real. A year ago this was a much better place to be, sadly it's not the same anymore. But life goes on
  7. Hey IDT, bet you feel really good with only 2 offers to help - after ALL the hard work and help you've given to so many on this forum. I reckon there's a lot of shitbags here who just take but don't wana give anything back, which is a shame really but about par for the course. Anyways good to see you back Oh, and Ovalball - you nicked my avatar
  8. ..........They just have new scripts added which opens the door to a lot of new features that were not possible before........... Yeah, but that's where some users find particular mods not to their taste: too many features, a lot of which most of us would hardly (if ever) use. Like I said, each to his own, we all have our own individual tastes and requirements. BTW, I have tried your mod, you've obviously put a lot of time and effort into it - congrats! Imay even borrow some of it in the future I'm running Stans mod with my own slant and personalisation, it works well for me
  9. Each to his own. Some would say that these 'new' mods are so involved and complicated that you could have walked to your destination by the time you've set up your unit. Me? I prefer the simple route.
  10. The link don't work. [Edit] Found it anyway, looks pretty cool
  11. At present we only have access to playing about with the Navi side of Avic via the DATA_zip. For the most part the AV side is inaccessible, apart from bmp files.
  12. Check this out > viewtopic.php?f=33&t=27534&start=0 Sorted it for me
  13. Strange....... Have you checked for duplicates of the bmp's in the 'night' folders?
  14. dumpystig

    Z AND W ?

    NP, hope it helps
  15. If you add the relevant colour/fontsize etc. into the code for each feature you want to personalise it should override the custom settings.... I think
  16. dumpystig

    Z AND W ?

    z= the layer order, ie: z=1 would be below z=10, as in a stack of transparent paper. w= width, ie: how many pixel wide a particular text would be. And h= height, same as text above. Hope this helps, took me a while to figure all the parameters out but I got there
  17. You need to install a programme such as 7-Zip to enable you to view/modify the relevant compressed files and folders
  18. You need to search all other files for references to those particular buttons. I think one file will be navigatemap.ui (in common directory) but I'm sure they're in a couple of other files too.
  19. Only did 20 miles but so far everything seems to be working just fine, I'll see how it goes over the next few days.
  20. I notice your reduced signposts, that's more like the size I want to have them, any pointers please bud?
  21. Hey dumpy, Were you able to get the roadsigns sorted out? Let me know if you need anything. Cheers pal, how you doin, keepin well I hope No luck with the colour of my signposts, the buggers are still green, if you've any ideas I'd be grateful, still can't figure this one out. I was struggling with using the linear compass as a button to switch between 3D/2D/2D North up, but I found I was approaching it too technically, turned out in the end to be pretty simple so I'm pleased about that I'm gona give your scrolling texts a shot soon, I'll let you know what I think.
  22. I loaded only the commonlib.dll into APL on my 500 running hacked v3.0 and - surprise, surprise - it booted up no prob! Just to clarify tho, for me this is what happens >>> Power button Splash screen starts System startup in progress. Please wait Top Menu Map button Map screen I'm off for a run shortly, I will see how the unit operates and let you guys know
  23. Had a look at this again last night. Sussed it. Working great now, just the way I wanted it
  24. I've used a couple of files without that line, and one with it commented out, and I'm still getting the signposts in green Can anyone post a file they are using that has the signposts in blue, I can try that and see if it works
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