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Everything posted by Specter

  1. the voice file for destination on the LEFT/RIGHT is posted just above 1/2 way down the page. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26699&p=185692&hilit=+left#p185692 HERE is a link to the actual voice file: download/file.php?id=7994
  2. the voice file for destination on the LEFT/RIGHT is posted just above 1/2 way down the page. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26699&p=185692&hilit=+left#p185692 HERE is a link to the actual voice file: download/file.php?id=7994
  3. It does work to just add it to your sys.txt. I just usd this: [pioneer] parking_break_speed=255.0 No more warning about the brake sensor being miswired. Also, tried installing an IGO8 TTS package and had the same problem as someone else. It says UNDERSCORE DASH UNDERSCORE THE NEXT STREET.... Pretty useless that way.
  4. You could always use the line below in your sys.txt. it will put the street names in a bubble like the screen below. it makes it easier to read. [3d_config] disable_roadsign_navigation_mode=0 It will look like normal when you start up igo. after you get a GPS signal or simulate a route it will put the street names in bubbles.
  5. Yes, you will need all of those copied over from your original install. None of the maps, pois or buildings are included with the gurjon download.
  6. Have you tried it with the gurjon sys.txt and your own ezrider.exe?
  7. yes, it can be done. Needs the same code updates that are being added to the gurjon skin. On a side note: You can change the voices for the gurjon skin by changing them from the systems settings menu. Also, the TTS voices work! If you took my advice of deleting everything from the IGO directory before updating, you will have to copy the scansoft directory from your original install back into the igo directory. That should fix the TTS issues.
  8. Try your original ezrider.exe file. I suspect the one in the gurjon package is the hacked version. I think there are issues with the hacked version and some Avics (from reading the hacked 3.0 thread). I had to add this to the sys.txt of the latest gurjon release to get the disply to show correctly. It was only showing the upper left hand corner of the screen until I added this. add to sys.txt if you have display problems. [rawdisplay] screen_x=800 screen_y=480 class="landscape" highres=0 dpi=250
  9. Can confirm, reboots when you go to change the voices. I am using a non-TTS voice on an F500BT. It does now have audio with the supplied data.zip (on F500BT units). You don't have to use a generic data.zip anymore. Thanks again BorisM for posting these updates.
  10. Thanks for the info BorisM. And thanks for sharing the Gurjon for avic. It is very nice! HERE IS A PICTURE OF IT:
  11. Right here: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26699
  12. It is the Gurjon skin for avic. That is actually the time to destination on the bottom. check out www.gurjon.com to see screen shots. ...I like the street names in the bubbles, it makes it easier to read.
  13. What do you need to add to the sys.txt to set up a 3D car model?
  14. If you add the line: disable_roadsign_navigation_mode=0 to your sys.txt it will put the street names in balloons over the street (like Amigo). It only shows that way when routing or you have a GPS signal. So when you first the GPS first starts up they will not be in balloons but when you simulate a route you can see what it looks like. It works good with roadsign_lines_per_screen=20. If you make the text too big it will not show in balloons but on the street. [3d_config] disable_roadsign_navigation_mode=0 roadsign_lines_per_screen=20 I don't know if this will work with Avic 2.0.
  15. You can download new speedcamera voices here. any of these files will work. http://www.igo8mods.com/dimka_download.htm#voices Here is a user manual for the gurjon skin. it is a little outdated. http://www.gurjon.com/download/index.php?dir=MANUAL/&file=gj_5.x_skin_manual_EN_v2.pdf Someone asked about using other skins... You won't be able to just download an 800x480 skin and use it. The gurjon skin for avic has code added to work with an avic. other skins would have to be updated to work with an avic. So I wouldn't recommend trying other skins just yet. Has anyone bee
  16. I am leaving the forum. goodbye.
  17. This is an oddly hostile forum where someone gets attacked for voicing a strong opinion. Maybe you are the one who should quit crying over your high prices. I am not the one leveling personal attacks. I think the prices suck based on my previous explanation. While you attack someone instead of voicing an intelligent argument. grow up. On another note. To those who stood up for me, thank you. I was going to start working on avic mods but have just now decided against it. To put it simply, there are too many @$$holes on this forum. I am out.
  18. wow, that is great news. I have been using leetlauncher and love it. Leetcoder, do you use an F500BT? There are some issues that are unique to the F500BT. Like is there a way to have the GPS go into sleep mode instead of power down and doing a full reboot every time you power down the unit. Also the audio won't go through the external amp, it only goes out the little speaker in the back. Those are the only drawbacks to the F500BT unit. Glad to see you back.
  19. funny thing. I tried using gurjon 6.7p for comparison and wanted to see what switching from 2d to 3d looked like... and it wouldn't switch to 2d... what bad luck is that. but tried going from 2d to 3d with the default igo8 skin and I see what you mean. Looks like it shows more small roads in real 2d mode. do you know if igo8 8.0 supported 2d heading upward? It would be easier to copy code from an 8.0 file than from an 8.3 file. the 8.3 file has quite a few other features that our avic igo8 doesn't support. I read somewhere in the forum that 8.0 does not support 2d heading upward. It
  20. How is that different from the actual 2d mode? ill.die.trying thanks for finding that code. I will have to do some experimenting and see if I can use it.
  21. if you have it set for 1 mile and the other slider for 2 miles (as an example). when routing and the next turn is more than 1 mile away it will switch to 2d mode and zoom to a 2 mile level. then switch back to 3D when you get within 1 mile of the next turn.
  22. I have been playing around with the GTI Matt data.zip file. I can get it to switch to 2D and keep the upward heading orientation but haven't go it to work with overview mode yet. All of the changes are in navigatemap.ui. Below are the changes I made, mainly changing the map.mapmode from 1 to 0. the .map.follow_rotation 1 may not need to be there but I have it there and haven't tested it without it. The map.SETCARPOSITION command sets the x and y coordinate of the cars position on the screen.. it is done in percents... 50 is the middle of the screen... 75 is 75% down the screen...
  23. Point being, it's a $600 unit. You bought it for 22% of the original price. It's the same concept as people that buy relatively inexpensive cars, completely redo and redesign them, and make them amazing for only a few thousand more. Which is STILL less than you would have spent buying a higher-end car. Or people that buy old crappy houses and renovate them, then sell them back for more money. It's an investment that you're too cheap to put money into, despite the amount of money you saved in the initial transaction. But I wouldn't expect a failnub to understand that. How could your poi
  24. Maybe you can get a base model piece of crap GPS for $130, but not anything comparable to your in-dash Navigation System. In summary, cry us a river. Everybody is whining so much about a product that hasn't even freaking been released yet. WANNNNH. Now chill the f*** out and wait patiently like the rest of us. If you are going to talk shit to someone, get your facts straight... it is an ON DASH system I bought. Notice also, I am not impatient to get it... I said I don't want it. dumb ass.
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