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About KraziJoe

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  1. Thank You...I replaced PRG0 with the PRG files from my last backup and rebooted and it worked! I think my hacking days are over. 1. The Fiance won't let me and 2. I am tired of f-ing stuff up (though I am tempted to do the hacked update but the Fiance will kill me). The approved Update is on it's way. Thank you so much Pionara!!!
  2. The z140 files never updated. Ill copy the usr files to sdcard and compare. Is there any listing as to what the files should be? I did the shortfuse crack to get where i was before i drove it off the cliff.
  3. I was in the prg0 directory when I hit the delete. Is it possible to just delete the directory and restore from the NAND?
  4. Ok, I got a little to fast with my copy and hit delete by mistake and now I am getting No Applicable Program. Any idea how I can get around that? What do I need to copy/paste? Is the retail update a way around all of this now? Or am I totally screwed? Yes I know I am a train wreck.
  5. Ok, I got into the service menu using the 1.4 mod. I noticed a few files that were dated last night. Is it possible those files were replaced when I tried the automated 2.0 mod install? And if so would they be the ones that are messing up my boot? And is it possible to replace them with the files I have backed up? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  6. I have a Z110 that was updated to 210FM using Shortfuse's crack and it worked with no problems. I tried the method that was outlined in http://avic411.com/i...10fmuc-upgrade/ using the auto update by Condi. At first I did not have the renewallflib.dll on the card, but after some digging I found the file and put it on the card, all on the root. I then ran the update and it said that it was successful, actually it said I was successful after I did the first update without the .dll file. I tried the update, all on the root using the supplied cardinfo file from the update, then I t
  7. Tried the Hack and got a red screen with an error message. Now I cannot boot up at all.
  8. Lucky. Mine seems to be messed up. Now nothing loads. Ran the dll replacer and replaced it. Put in the 140 update and nothing happens. Tried 3 different cardinfo files and nothing worked. I hope its not permanently hosed
  9. I figured it out. Too many changes and if you come in at the end you see too many things. Put in the Cracked DLL from post 12. Now I can't get the update to run. on my 3rd cif file. After this I am gonna just out back the original and hope it works.
  10. How do you get the DLL? That is where I am stuck. I can't seem to figure it out. Ok, found the DLL. Ran the auto replacer and now it won't update. Trying to reformat the card and trying again.
  11. Where do I get the Renewal.dll file from ? Is it from the unit? From the download? Where? I am lost now.
  12. I guess I missed the part on where I get the RenewallFLib.dll from. I thought this automated it? I am lost now. Do I put the DLL file from the downloaded 140 files? Or from my unit?
  13. error message "Program Startup Error" I have not retried. You may have replied before I changed what I need to do. I am trying to update my 110 to the new maps. I tried the old 1.0 version and now have the error. To do it all automated what is the exact method?
  14. Im putting everything on a new SD. Hate running back and forth. This is what I have done. 1. Put The new 1.1 on root of SD card 2. Put the z140 Files on SD Card. Is that all I have to do?
  15. Yeah, Mine is all hosed. How are we going to fix it when we can't get the door open to replace the SD Card?
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