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Everything posted by jokernl

  1. Anyone can help me how to store a setting in the recalcultion preferences? Under route configuration there is an option to auto replan, I would like to change the default (after reboot) so that it not comes up with auto replan, but with ask, or off. Anyone knows what is needed for this. Changes are now lost after a reboot.
  2. He any news on the new release? Working towards a release date? I can hardly wait!!
  3. Probably generic problem. But anyone experiencing a problem in destination time (ETA)? Mine adds one hour to the travel time. Puzzles me (time on screen and satt is ok). Any ideas or is it a daylight savings problem which will solve itself in a few weeks?
  4. Since Sunday I am having the problem that my arrival time seems to be one hour later than the actual arrival time should be. Time it gets from the GPS looks OK, also time displayed on map (right hand upper corner Diaftia skin) is correct. (Timezone =GMT+1) Any ideas? More people experiencing this?
  5. This really sounds awesome, but also as an enormous amount of work. List of features seems unmatched in todays world of navigation devices/units. Makes me wonder of I should not buy a replacement unit just in case mine crashes or breaks (or like my previous volkswagen unit gets stolen ...)
  6. Really looking forward to the next version, when will you release it?
  7. Hi did not install everything yet, using Diaftia's release now for a while. I like it a lot but there is always room for improvement, e.g. the mute button that nees to be pressed after each new calculation (nice if it would be a fixed setting) What I really would like is is TMC improvements. (understand you did some work on this already right?) 1.Be able to tune to the right TMC provider, it sometimes freezes without the opportunity to search for a good TMC broadcast. 2. For the traffic jams, sorted in such a way that everything on the planned route is sorted first, with the option besid
  8. Just installed Merten´s latest. Everything works great. Can confirm the need for deleting the save folder...Voice did not work, after deletion of the files it worked One question (easy probably) How do I get the program to work in my own language again (Dutch) Now the whole of IGO is English, the rest is Dutch. must be some setting (in the sys.txt), what must be the value for Dutch? Or can I define this in the application somewhere? Edit, posted to fast sry, just change the langiage settings to another language and then back solved this.
  9. Hmmm interesting theory. I agree sometimes you are on a route and it would just recalculate and not tell you what changed. I will have to think about this. Its no small amount of coding to accomplish. FYI the only way to go in and look at traffic jams is to go into the MSN Traffic screen. Thinking about what would be a use case that would not require much work but what would help the end user. I have a european model so not the msn list but the tmc list, Which does not make a difference with regard to functionality. What I did (original screen) was I created a direct button to the
  10. make sure it can read from SD. Insert it empty in Navi. Try with mp3 first, then reload the testmode files on SD card
  11. This looks amazing. New on this, installed a few hacks on my F500 (V3.0 stock) but will use this one when the new EU TMC version is there. Quetion I have, in plan mode you show a number of options to calculate the route (fastest, economic etc) Is there a mode that looks at traffic jams or are these the standard modes in the pioneer/Igo app. What annoys me using the pioneer compared to other nav programms is, that there is no choice to manually confirm or cancel the reroute/recalculation because of traffic. I would very much want to be able to decide myself at the time a traiic congestion is
  12. Hi I had the same issue when an SD card was inserted. everytime you switch on the unit it would start to play automatically. I solved this by going to the av source screen and press Off there, this stops playing mp3´s, but then I have the F500, not sure if all the sound stops in the F900 series..
  13. Also just started using the F500BT. Some things are well thought out, others not. Getting the hacks done is first priority. Did the bypass (monday the hand brake wire will be connected) Alse included the mute button and the end route button. TMC is not well implemented. It reroutes automatically without an option, which results in routes that are longer than the traffic jam. So I at least need a button to sho the Traffic list on the map screen (I will search, butif someone knows..please let me know) GPS fix is very fast. Only cold start can take a few minutes, never had more tha
  14. Hmm not many F500 users? Or a stupid question? To answer my own question: after playing around I found that pressing the SD card icon on the upper left hand corner of the screen of the mp3 player brings you back to the media screen. Pressing the OFF button there means that the mp3 player shuts down. After a power on and off the mp3 will not autostart again (despite being paused before).
  15. Hi all, I have just bought and installed a F500bt (latest original firmware 3.0.x, EU version) in a new VW Passat (will post more about the install.) Do have lots of questions where I cannot find the answers to, but will start with an easy one (?) When I insert an SD card it will immediately start playing the first song (how does it determine the first one..on date?) Also after power on and/or docking in on the mount it starts playing (I press pause when I want to stop the music) . Can this be avoided, how do i stop this automatic start? Also there is a pause button, but is there a s
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