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About JlBalla787

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  1. I wouldnt worry to much about it since as you said it works fine while driving. I saw the other day that my says the same thing especially while park but then all of sudden it goes up as soon as i turn the ignition on and start driving. Additionly i cant really complain about the accuracy of my product either.
  2. Here is my referral code pabc6-85d5r-w4f2z It should be valid since it has never been use
  3. Well not really especially when you are lost and you want to get there. Afterall, the point of the object is to get you to the place as efficient as possible, meaning not direct you to drive around in circles a million time. My unit navigates me pretty well but sometimes it chooses less than perfect exits but my TomTom did that too, this is where experience plays a role. The only thing that give me trouble is i dont understand why when it reroutes you it tells you to get off the freeway and reenter the same freeway at a different spot that sounds weird, you should try a reset. I tried purposel
  4. It cant be the bypass as posted above the bypass has nothing to do with its gps function but have you tried route edit and edit that part. I know you can do that in this case because you know where you are going and that wont be the case when you dont but gps unit no matter what brand or type will never replace the knowledge of someone who knows the area.
  5. I think you can use the short cut option to fix this problem but im not sure since i have only seen this feature and not really used it, but also do you have the navi disk in when you go off the unit route because if so, whenever you are running a route of the unit memory instead of the disk, the unit will always tell you to go back at the point you veered off especially when the distance between start and finish is far.
  6. Here is another one the unuse if any1 needs it pabc6-85d5r-w4f2z
  7. Well if you already have it hooked up you can see da reading using the D3 I think you go under hardware setting and then connection status. I guess you can try using a multimeter too since basically a sensor is a varying resistor that provide a varying voltage and you should see the voltage rise as you speed up. The reading will probably vary per car model and differ at different speeds, hence exact reading per speed is impossible. As long as you get 0 while your stationary and a varying reading dependent on the speed you go ie when your goin 20 mph it read 20000 and when you speed up your rea
  8. The VSS sensor will always read zero while your car is still. In order to test go into an empty parking lot and ride around and see if you get a reading while your moving and if it changes as you accelerate and deccelerate
  9. You probably connected it wrong the easiest way is install it is to run the wire to your taillight in your car manual it will tell you which bulb is your backup light and then tap the wire goin to that bulb. You can also identify the bulb by simply puttin your car in reverse and have someone tell u which bulb lights up
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