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Everything posted by Lyverbe

  1. Perhaps Make sure you have the latest TESTMODE.key file. It can be found in some thread (aka search!)
  2. http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/36854-undo-condis-hack-mode/
  3. Ah, well, you used the almighty unit eater. You should have stayed away from v2.21 like the other 8,472 posts say. If the admins would care about their members, they'd put a HUUUUUUGE warning sign saying that v2.21 is very dangerous, but... meh!
  4. That's impossible if you haven't changed/removed any file. Dumping the password.dat file is harmless. Did you use HackMode (v2.21) or TestMode (v1.4)?
  5. You can try but don't be surprised if your unit gets screwed up. TestMode v1.4 by itself is harmless compared to HackMode v2.21. I suggest you stick with 1.4
  6. Some people apparently got lucky by removing power from the unit for 10 minutes. By "removing power", I mean disconnecting it completely from the battery (might be easier to disconnect the battery than removing the unit).
  7. You're saying that it was working perfectly and, for no reason at all, it started to give you "No applicable program"? You didn't install HackMode or anything? Perhaps what you can try is to install the latest firmware update. Maybe it will solve your problem.
  8. Let me get this straight; It's saying "Wrong SD Card" when there's no card inserted?!
  9. HackMode should be called ScrewMode (and I'm being polite here) since it screws up most unit. I'd say 2 or 3 users really know what it does to the unit so I don't think you'll get an answer. Stay away from it.
  10. Sorry for ignorance, but is that for the radio or GPS? Although I get between 4 and 9 red satellites, my GPS signal is always very weak and would be interested knowing about this if it is a powered GPS antenna.
  11. Nah, you don't have to worry about it. If you become locked out, use TestMode to read the "password.dat" file because it will be there. So many people got out of this situation this way so I don't see why you couldn't. Although I believe this file is always there no matter what. If you don't have a password, it's only a blank file, but I'm not sure.
  12. You mean that you are NOW locked out or really mean that you are NOT locked out? If you don't have any password (which would explain the absence of a "password.dat" file) and want to set one, you need to touch the three zones at the top of the configuration screen. If you are locked out and don't find a "password.dat", make sure you are in the right folder. There has to be one.
  13. I'm the one sharing his X930BT's av.exe and I'm in Canada. You can always give it a shot after first taking a backup (i.e. rename) of your own av.exe https://www.dropbox.com/s/cptox6ucyfmzgk6/Av.exe
  14. Côté mémoire, je n'ai pas d'expérience avec Samsung ni Toshiba, donc je ne peux rien dire. Par contre, je n'ai jamais eu de problème avec Kingston en 20 ans de PC, j'ai donc un penchant pour eux. Pour une sauvegarde complète, je ne sais pas exactement quelle taille de carte tu aurais besoin. La mise à jour du firmware est 3.37gb, je dirais donc que c'est le minimum requis.
  15. Si le seul but est de conserver tes trajets, la plus petite carte possible est nécessaire car le module conserve un maximum de 300 fichiers. Avec les fichiers qui sont environ 5kb chaque, ceci représente environ 1.5mb. Si tu veux mettre autre chose, alors là , la taille te regarde. Kingston est une excellente marque pour tous types de mémoire. Fait attention sur eBay car les fausses cartes sont possibles. J'y suis passé par là moi-même
  16. Rien d'autre. Libre à toi de copier tous les fichiers du module, mais le répertoire "USER" est le plus important.
  17. Oui, v1.4 absolument et éviter v2.21 à tout prix. Il faut voir v2.21 comme étant une version Windows de la version v1.4 qui est comme une version textuelle. Il est possible de manipuler des fichiers/répertoires et c'est ce qui permet de prendre en backup un répertoire complet. Tu fais ainsi une copie complète du répertoire "USER" sur la carte SD. S'il arrive un pépin, un restore de ce backup va aider... *croise les doigts!* Au démarrage du module, il regarde d'il y a une carte SD d'inséré. Si oui, il regarde si elle est bootable via TestMode. Si tu mets une autre carte
  18. There's a thread about the 2013 maps and firmware. Being a hot topic, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it.
  19. The time is supposed to be adjusted automatically via GPS signals. You cannot set it yourself by minute.
  20. Bonjour, Premièrement, ne pas (je répète: NE PAS) utiliser la version v2.21. Elle est largement reconnue pour bousiller des modules et les administrateurs de ce forum s'en foutent. Utiliser la version v1.14 car, avec TestMode v1.14, il est possible de faire la même chose que v2.21 sauf que l'interface est simplement moins intuitive. Le dossier USER est important à prendre en backup avant une mise à jour du firmware. Le reste devrait être OK.
  21. Welcome victim #2,472 of Hackmode v2.21 SImply create the PRG.FLG file yourself. It's an empty file. That could be enough to solve your problem.
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