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Everything posted by mslate

  1. Add me to the list. I have 2 units, one with the same problem, I'm sure the other unit is not far behind. I've been an Alpine guy all my life, should have known better.
  2. I've had this happen a couple of times. I had to do a hard reboot of the phone and then all was fine.
  3. I had the same problem. You need to start the app not connected to the radio and brows the apps available. Before it lets you do this you have to pick your region. Once you pick your region the next time you connect you can see all of your apps.
  4. I've noticed when I'm having trouble getting back to the app menu by pressing either of the black bars, if I give it a quick double tap it works every time. Just a tip that works for me.
  5. Mike, installed the latest beta15, and the calibration is way off for me, unuseable. I'm using iphone5
  6. Pull a keyboard up on your screen and press the letter Q. See what actual letter gets pressed. That Should help diagnose the calibration problem.
  7. I found out how to install the Beta 1.115, installed the Appradio Flex patch and I still get the red finger when I try to run either TomTom, or YouTube app. On another note, does every one with an iphone 5 have the wrong scaling (too small) when running the "unsupported" apps using appradio extensions? If I uninstall appradio extensions and hold my phone in lanscape mode the scaling is full screen.
  8. I had the same thing happen, deleted and reinstalled the app on the phone.
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