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About EnoHand

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  1. ^^^ummm this is a standard....its the standard when you split large zip files into many smaller files. WinRar & 7z are both able to open these types of files....you have to make sure you grab the first in the series.
  2. still unable to DL.. i am able to hit the MEga site, & put the code in to decrypt,but then it errors out & says retrying
  3. Ryar, please post to a better / more accessible file server...alot of users in cannot access these
  4. man...so looks like none of the proxy sites are allowing access to multiupload from the USA... Ryar, you think you can put this on a USA friendly site? heck put it up on drop box...i can gie you access to my drop box which has 50Gb.....please let me know... i am on the older version that somone posted on page 2, but have been having issues. no gps grabs a lock even though 10 satilites are shown. also the settings menus are not avail until i go into primo 2 (the fartehst to the right on the navi menu) then the Avic symbol has the reset text. also no bluetooth, & no regular
  5. its not that the links are dead, its that they are unreachable from the US. I used a proxy last time I DL'd them but the speeds were horrid. would be nice if someone uploaded them to a US friendly site.
  6. 99% of the links posted on this site are LIVE!!! however, if you are in the USA you are pretty much shit outta luck, unless you are somewhat computer literate. ok so now that i have only the people who know how to do the next step, or the people who think they know what to do, you must push your internet traffic through a proxy so that it looks like your ina diff country. for about 90% of the links on here, using a german proxy & chrome in incognito mode i am able to download anything on here... good luck to you :
  7. ^^ keep in mind that the way these units work, the AVIC "OS" (if you want to call it that) (not the underline CE OS/ROM) is the files on the "My Flash Disk" this means that depending on what you want, you may run the 2.x OS, the 3.x OS or the 4.x OS so now the question is what do you want, & why do you think you need the whole thing? if your unit not working?
  8. any updated links for Chucks mods? or can somone upload to a USA friendly hosting site?
  9. i did some digging on there but have not been able to get this up & running.. I think instead of the mortscript to call the drivers in each time, i am going to modiofyu the base OS to include them..(which i can figure out quite easyily) WHEN i figure out how the drivers need to be setup.. do you recall what you did for the COm Port? did you utilize portsplitter for it? did you create a new port via the reg? thanks
  10. good luck to you man,.... also let me know if you get anywhere with getting HOBDRIVE or another OBD program working I have been digging through Ryar old Avic thread & on HOBDRIVE forums to figure out how to get OBD2 working, but no luck yet. seems like the drivers need to be added to the unit, & you have to configure the registry & a few o0ther things, but im not 100%
  11. ryar i am back with some "?" so i had Avicnet up & running, but it was a bit buggy. I am now running Dafita's latest release & love it. I have HOBDrive on the unit & i am able to launch it when i enable windows explorer/taskbar from the debug setting menu now my question is this, how did you manage to push the drive out? on dafitas rom there is no detailed device manager like on avicnet, there also isnt the Comports app.. I would assume that i will need to allocate a com port & then also utilize the driver but i am stuck i tried dissecting what
  12. i find that hard to belive. i enjoy running avicnet 2.1, but i wonder is this just a modified version of pioneers 2.x? would it be better to run the FX3.1?> or the 4.x firmware?
  13. Wow couple days over 40 views but not 1 single comment
  14. i couldnt use any DE or NL proxys. i found a German one that allowed it. i can try to see if i can upload the files that i have collected somewhere, but my drive & drop box accounts are full atm
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