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Everything posted by JazJon

  1. False Alarm, 5s works fine http://www.appradioworld.com/2013/09/iphone-5s-issue-fixed-fully-compatible.html
  2. Actually tracking shows my AT&T iPhone 5S arrives Monday! I hope Pioneer gets things sorted out asap.
  3. Yes that is normal, it will take 2 weeks to arrive. (sometimes sooner though, customs is random)
  4. Good to know, I just ordered my new 5S but won't have it for a few weeks. I'll miss jailbreak and AppRadio Extensions package but what ever. Hopefully it's sorted out soon!
  5. 1) You need to have a jailbroken iphone 2) Install AppRadio Extension Package in Cydia http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/34188-appradio-extensions-20-beta-full-iphone-control/
  6. I sent the developer my crash logs, never heard back yet. I uninstalled and gave up for now. I probably don't even wan't need it the way I use my AppRadio now.
  7. My unit from Amazon came defective. (had a strange horizontal flickering line at the top) I ended up getting BestBuy to price match the Amazon price. (I had to really push hard and escalate up the management chain though) I rushed it to my installer and got things going the same day. The defective unit was returned to Amazon for a full refund. (they paid for shipping as well)
  8. Correct, you don't see that screen unless the iPhone AppRadio app is up and running and HDMI adapter is doing it's job. The only native things you'll see on an AppRadio with no phone connected is regular FM Radio, or Pandora via BlueTooth.
  9. I just verified my black plasti-dip white cables work great. (look and feel normal) http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/37328-tired-of-those-white-apple-cables-adapters-plasti-dip-them-black/?p=270889
  10. Project in progress today. I used tape to protect ends. I also plugged in second lightning cable to protect the internal female connector. To be continued........ (pix of finished black cable after 4th coat dries)
  11. I got my two DealExtreme cables today. One works, One doesn't The cheapest $4 cable does NOT work http://dx.com/p/8-pin-lightning-male-to-female-extension-cable-for-iphone-5-white-97cm-214647 This $5.60 cable DOES work! (all good, no tax, free shipping) http://dx.com/p/8pin-lightning-male-to-female-extension-cable-for-iphone-5-white-207205 Here's the confirmation photo: I went ahead and used Plast-Dip (spray on black rubber coating) and my white cable is now black! (still flexible, feels/looks good) A can of the stuff is $6 http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/37328-tired-of-those-w
  12. I'm going to try and Plasti-Dip BLACK my WHITE lightning extension cable and lightning to HDMI adapter. http://www.appradioworld.com/2013/09/black-colored-lightning-cables-from.html I had a successful test using Black Plasti-Dip today! (check out my before after pix/videos) http://forum.dashcamtalk.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2343&p=24825#p24825 This is all in the link above but here it is again for easier reading. I'm a new Plasti-Dip fan, this stuff rocks, people coat their whole car in the stuff! It's tough and feels like a real rubber coating. (because it is) The Silver
  13. I'm using my old Kenwood CMOS-200 backup camera I had with my previous stereo. Looks to be over priced still even 3 years later. If you pick any of the low cost eBay option let us know how well it works.
  14. Why would you manually install it? Just add the Repo under Cydia, Manage, Sources, Edit, Add, http://mikedecaro.com/repo/ Then click on http://mikedecaro.com/repo/ on the Cydia, Manage, Sources page
  15. It's easier if you just use a parking break bypass chip. http://www.amazon.com/Override-Automatic-AppRadio2-SPH-DA100-APPRADIO/dp/B008NQL00W/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1378355797&sr=8-2&keywords=appradio+3 There is a front page story on some Android devices not being compatible with AppRadio story on http://appradioworld.com you should check out. (might be related)
  16. Oh yeah I forgot that not everyone has a parking break bypass setup. (much easier) For default installs, It makes sense that certain settings are not available unless the parking break is on. It should un-gray out after it's pulled yeah!
  17. You probably need to change the settings from digital to analog. (if you're using a 30 pin connection, and not lightning)
  18. It's under settings, just be careful when you scroll down. You actually SKIP over some the options if you touch it wrong. (it will jump a page or more at time) I had the same problem and couldn't find the display setting at first. I was then very careful to scroll slowly and found the display area to change brightness and the dimmer options for when car lights are on/off etc. Take your time and look again it's there. (I missed it the first time and got frustrated as well) I also couldn't figure out how to set the time right away. You press and hold the : between the hour and mi
  19. The iOS Waze option to display external only appears once your iPhone is physically connected to the AppRadio. (you won't find this option in Waze while unplugged)
  20. If you are having Jailbreak problems, I would check the forums at http://modmyi.com I'm not quite following but I'll throw out a few things. Did you pair the iPhone 5 to the AppRadio successfully? As a troubleshooting test.......... Can you press the Bluetooth button on the main home screen of the AppRadio and then play music successfully via any iPhone app? (with no wires plugged in, A2DP only) Bluetooth needs to be working 100% regardless if the cable is plugged in or not. All iPhone 5 remote controls are done over bluetooth
  21. You can also try EC Touch or Stezza (both are AppRadio compatible)
  22. Interesting news............ Sunday, September 1, 2013 Black Colored Lightning Cables From Third-Party Manufacturers Have Issueshttp://www.appradioworld.com/2013/09/black-colored-lightning-cables-from.html
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