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what happens if you dont....

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I think your question was answered in the first reply, but again, there are saftey systems in place that keep you from watching dvd's and programming the nav while the unit is in motion. Once the unit calibrates, and it detects via the positioning sats that you are moving, your simple fix of just grounding the parking brake wire will no longer cut it. I can not say with certainty, but the vss input and/or gyro could possibly trigger this safety system as well. The bypass works because it is a system built into the unit by pioneer to bypass this saftey feature, and allow the D3 to use these restricted functions without checking for vehicle motion. Pioneer put this in for those rare occasions, such as rear seating installs as in an RV or a limo, where a vehicle in motion should still have full functionality. Since the overwhelming majority of people will want to use this for possibly illegal front seat driving, there is no wire on the factory plug connecting to the pin that enables this bypass. If your little trick works, good for you. Maybe you will be the one person who has tried just grounding the parking brake wire that never finds himself needing to do a proper bypass a week or two later. Odds are, you won't be. The problem is, that when you accuse someone of speaking of something about which he knows nothing, you are absolutely wrong. Some people here know exactly what they are talking about, and just because you don't understand them does not mean that they don't understand the D3. The fact is, you want to be right, and have ignored the people who answered your question because you didn't want to believe their answer. Your attitude is the one that needs improvement. Don't ask a question to which you do not wish to hear the answer.

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See? Thus, the quote,"It is what it is." - explained. I've been told this by many people, usually to explain a f*&kup on their part ("Bag feels a bit light." "Hey, it is what it is."), and, you just have to accept that. It is also used to explain something that has no explanation, too.("My wife is flying pissed at me, and I don't know why." "It is what it is, bro, let's go to the bar anyway.") So, I was not being a douchebag by stating that "It is what it is.", just trying to state that sometimes, things should sometimes be taken "as they are", just to keep it simple and easy. :) Water is wet, the sky is blue, women have secrets.....it is what it is.

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call pioneer, design a system, put that engineering degree to use. lol kiddin there btw. Seriously though dont stress over it, It is what it is. With an engineering degree surely you already know what the inner workings are or could be.


So a bit of harsh rough talk now, dont ask questions you know the answers to already or that you dont want to hear to begin with.

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Seriously, dude. Pull your head out of your ass and move the wire. It only takes 5 minutes. Because when tour D3 finishes it's calibration phase and locks you out you're going to be choking on your own idiocy. Why would everybody on this site be lying? Doesn't make sense does it? You wonder why you have to move the wire. We tell you. You say you need a better explanation. Well shut the hell up. We're not here to prove shit to you, we're here to help each other. If you're not willing to accept or believe that help, well, fuck off.

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