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Everything posted by Bumpaneer

  1. It is also highly version dependent. If you modify the wrong location in the code you'd end up with problems.
  2. Bumpaneer

    87.7 FM

    Yeah, I know that, but was wondering if there were any hacks or ways around it.
  3. Try supertestmode: http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/35253-advanced-puzzles-testmodekey-scriptexecini/
  4. Bumpaneer

    87.7 FM

    Is there any way to allow the Z140BH on 4.01 software to tune to 87.7FM in the US? 87.9 seems to be as low as the unit will go before cycling around.
  5. To boot into testmode, all you have to do is put the testmode key from here: http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/35253-advanced-puzzles-testmodekey-scriptexecini/ onto your SD card. Sounds like you were trying to install HackMode. Are you able to boot with that testmode file?
  6. Did you set the connection mode to bluetooth for apps on the Z140? I don't remember what the exact setting is called, but I can look at it tomorrow if needed. It was a toggle between bluetooth and direct connection (the android phones have to use bluetooth and iphones use direct connection as I understand it).
  7. With the AppRadio app you can control more from your headunit on the 140. And with Mike's extensions, you can control even more http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/34188-appradio-extensions-20-beta-full-iphone-control/ Pretty much your headunit can become a display for your iPhone. From what I've found this only works when your phone is wired in though, not over bluetooth.
  8. Everything I've read suggests that the bluetooth mode only works with Android devices. The iPhone seems to be missing the necessary bluetooth profile to allow the control you're looking for.
  9. If you used the Settings Replicator in the AVIC Feeds app to save the background you have to hit Home -> Settings -> Settings Replicator to read the settings back off the SD card.
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