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About diegoapavi

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  1. I´m alive. Long time since I wrote that, hehe . The 1,8" HDD is still working fine, but it starts the tracks from the beginning, like the other HDD. If you want iPod functionality, buy an iPod and forget about HDD, cos they are not the same.
  2. Hola a todos, entro en este post typical Spanish para echar una manita al que la necesite en referencia a los adaptadores para mandos del volante. Si hab�is buscado un poco por el foro, os habr�is encontrado con que muchos tienen problemas con el SWI-PAC (o como se llame). Viendo el percal, me arriesgu� y tir� por otro fabricante, AUTOLEADS, y as� llevo sin problemas har� casi un a�o. Os paso un enlace de eBay: <!-- m -->http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PC99-X51-Ford-Fus ... 2557fd28ed<!-- m --> (si no se puede poner, que lo quiten sin problema) para que veais como son. No me
  3. I´m really interested about this. Are you sure that there is a hardware difference, and not just a radio setup? THanks. (I have a US unit in Europe too).
  4. The best information for the best forum
  5. Pretty interface..., I wonder if Fseries could run this firmware
  6. You must be joking... You want to create a whole new firmware, forget about whichever OS you are going to run it on (Android, Linux, WM...). It looks almost impossible...well, if you work on it 10 hours/day during a year maybe, but I think it´d be better not to waste time on such a difficult project. (PS: It´s my opinnion )
  7. I have a 30Gb HDD from dealextreme, branded as Toshiba with a 1,8" drive inside, and it works fine. It takes about 45-60 seconds to start playing, but always works. There is available another one in 60Gb, but I did not want to have that risk. 30Gb works, and it´s enough music for me.
  8. Te va a funcionar todo perfectamente, salvo el reconocimiento de voz y la radio FM (no podrás sintonizar las frecuencias pares: 98.0, 98.2, etc... sólo las impares: 97.5, 97.7,...). It will work perfectly everything but the speech recognition and FM radio(not able to tune some frequences).
  9. Hi mates, I hope this can help you as much this forum has helped me. I have bought the Toshiba ( ) 1,8" Hard Disk Drive (30Gb) from DEALEXTREME and it´s working fine. No need to plug or unplug, it starts sooner than SD card, and no need more than a USB connection (no external energy needed). I bought the 30Gb one cos I didn´t want to risk with bigger size (60Gb is available too). I have many pendrives, but the same model in 8Gb works, and 16Gb one doesn´t. If there´s anyone who wants to try the bigger one, he can make it, on his own risk.
  10. They are pin points(or markers)They allow you to return to a point to add POI'S or cameras etc.You can remove them by placing your cursor over them,enter the cursor menu(red dot within a red circle)and selecting remove pin. Thank you very much. I have my home address full of markers . I´ll try today. Thanks again.
  11. Hi, how can I delete the points (blue ballons) that I have added pressing in the center of the volume knob? What are they? Thanks.
  12. Hi, can someone tell me how to delete the points I have added pressing the know? They are like baloons, and I can´t delete them. Thanks.
  13. IT would be interesting to know how to modify that number, for example for other countries
  14. I have tried a 16Gb Kinsgston Datatravel and a 16Gb SD (from eBay, very bad card) that DID NOT WORK on my F700BT, and after the update (wince + unofficial 3.0) they both WORK. I think it´s cos the Wince update. I also tried a 2,5" 100Gb Hard Disk and it works. Anyway, it takes about 1 minute to start playing. Has anyone else tried?
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