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Everything posted by S4

  1. Why would you ever be glad? -Lowest prices on technology -Only helpful/knowledgeable sales staff in the big-box electronic world -Best store warranty system -Best support/installation team Unless you actually like Best Buy, in which case I can say without a doubt that you are an idiot. Only idiots like stores staffed by only the mentally unfit. Add to that the tendency for Geek Squad to destroy or lose anything theyre given to repair, the over the top prices, and the poor product selection. I think you just made yourself an idoit by assuming. I felt indifferent about CC and I nev
  2. Post up where you live. There might be someone on the boards willing to help you out. I know I would
  3. If I can fix something I'd rather do it then take it to the dealer or any shop for that matter. Warranty work on things that I can't do on the other hand I have no choice but take it to Audi.
  4. Yea you'll need a harness that is your vehicle specific. It's not absolutely needed though but it eliminates you figuring out which wire does what. If you are going to buy the harness you might as well install it your self. At that point is just matching color of wires and plugging it in. Bypass is super easy to do so unless this guy is charging you very little it's not worth paying someone. Unless you are absolutely not comfortable with a little bit of soldering.
  5. I'm glad to see CC go but I really hate all these people ending up without a job especially since times are a little tough right now. I don't know how people didn't see this coming. I mean their share value was $0.02 toward the end of the year.
  6. Hmmm I didn't even think about this until I got the unit and went "how do you turn it off?". On my CarPC setup I had a master switch that was controlling startup/shutdown even though I had a PSU that could do that for me but sometimes I just didn't want it to be on when ignition was on. This is super easy to implement and also as easy to remove if I decide it was not necessary.
  7. Or just sell your unit and buy something "better". Problem solved.
  8. Everyone just needs to realize that this is what most big corporations do. They release the product and support for the shortest time possible and as soon as sales start to drop they will discontinue it. It's costly to support things like this. Looks how ofter cellphones being released and how quickly the support them stops. Most don't even have any updates at all. I'm not defending Pioneer nor any other corporation but that's just how it is.
  9. Would it be possible to boot the system in to test mode and run the .exe that way?
  10. Do you have the old (4th gen or whatever it was) "classic" or you have the new one they call iPod Classic?
  11. Sorry, now that I read what I wrote it doesn't sound good. Like blackh8552 said, you only have to have this option turned on when you add new songs to your iPod so VR can find them and make them available with voice search. So you only need to turn it on when you add new songs then it can be turned of until you need to update again. VR will still work even if the feature is turned off.
  12. You only need this on if you user voice recognition to control iPod. Otherwise it can stay off.
  13. I would say that's what is causing it.
  14. If you did not hook up the parking brake wire you will not have almost all options available, including system and navi setting. Either hook it up or do the bypass and they will become available
  15. 2D mode only shows north up heading. In 3D mode you get your heading orientation. 3D mode does have tilt adjustment so you can control the view angle.
  16. There is but only command line. No GUI.
  17. Sort of on topic, why are images stretched a little bit? I loaded my Audi rings logo image and rings are not round. And yes, image is 800x480
  18. ^ Well of course. Any time you modify anything out of manufacturers specs you run a risk of getting your warranty voided. Tech at Best Buy should've been cooler about it but he had every right to refuse to work on it. After all, this modification is illegal in many places.
  19. There is a mention in the manual that say if you cut the GPS cable it will most likely not work.
  20. What exactly will this do if it's turned on? Will every graphic be shown in higher resolution or just the splash screen and will there be any system performance degradation? Off topic, just noticed that they've misspelled parking brake in there
  21. I don't know if there is a tool on OS X that works like WinRAR in GUI but RARLAB offer command line version of WinRAR for OS X. Or use Parallels.
  22. I just picked up F90BT which is same as F900BT and looks like this is all you would need. Some of these things are not necessary for the install but this is the full list: - Metra 70-1787 wiring harness (for BOSE and non-BOSE) - Metra 99-9102 dash kit - Head unit Mounting bracket. (Pioneer ADT-VA133 kit or similar) - Metra 40vw53 antenna adapter (if you have an amplified antenna) - 4 Audi/VW Stereo removal keys - Trim Ring. (Supplied with Head unit or Mounting Kit.) Original thread on AZ. Install shop should know what to do (hopefully).
  23. ^ I made one for ya but can't attach it ... How come .bpm files are not allowed?
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