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Everything posted by nissanfrontier

  1. I used to have a 5th Gen that worked great both audio and video. Sold it after getting a 4th Gen touch. Didn't realize the f90bt wouldn't read it. So in the market for a new iPod Video. Does any one have a 6th Gen that works fine both audio and video? Want to make sure before I pull the trigger.
  2. three AVIC? Not sure following that. I will say that I used to not like smartzoom, but now consider it a nice little addition. Really was not impressed with PRIMO 2.0. Not enough control over the program as iGo.
  3. I used the Piratebay link last night. Worked fine
  4. Everything is a go Chuck. Just one last little issue, that I see is fixed by a reboot (Nav settings from PRIMO) Thanks again!
  5. Thanks. yeah I figured, already been downloading fx3.1 for the past couple hours. I installed Abbs mod last year and haven't modded in awhile to totally forget a lot of things. But still didn't make sense that I have AVICnet working (which was a complete flash disk delete), then tried to overlay Diaftias-didn't work, then tried to overlay yours-didn't work?
  6. Well, getting closer. I actually deleted Diaftia's APL and APL2 folders and copied yours over to the flash disk. However, while no errors, still getting a hang up on the system starting notification, then a reboot. When I click on the Navigation icon, it does nothing, almost like there is no exe program? I also realized my maps have the name tom_tom in them (the latest 2011 maps in the thread on here) but have extension fbl, that should not matter, correct?
  7. Hmm, thanks. The auto installer must not be picking my US version when I select it. Last error question then I will have to work on this tonight when I get home to my own computer. When I load your files, I get this message. "failed to open file ui_pioneer/common/ui/legacy_variables.ui exiting application"
  8. I am beginning to wonder if AVICnet adds or deletes certain files that doesn't allow allow other mods to work. I really want to try Chucks mod now, and since past versions are not avaliable, I decided to install Diaftias mod and try to transfer over to Chuck. Using the auto installer I installed Diaftia, but still getting stuck on the "system startup" note, and an error upon first click gives me this:"FFUIERROR Unknown layer reference Identifier [ui_AdvMenu_EU]" I installed diaftia, deleted all PRIMO folders and the APL4 folder, any other suggestions I can try to get this working. I
  9. Yeha, I checked and had 600mb left, so I copied the PRIMO3 folder over (which still doesn't show the Primo 2 icon for me) and still had 500mb left after that. Didn't re-install Chucks mod yet to see what space I have left.
  10. Hmm, interesting. Thanks I will check that tomorrow. I would be surprised of disk space issues though when I had Abb's mod installed before without issue. Then installed AVICnet without issue, and this one won't go. No biggie in long run. I will keep working on it.
  11. Thanks, I will try that. EDIT: Didn't work. I just deleted the entire flash disk and re-installed AVICnet. Worked fine. Just not sure what my f90bt didn't like in Chuck's files.
  12. Thanks, I am totally perplexed now. I deleted the entire MyFlashDisk, then reinstalled my old Disk with Chucks files embedded. Still getting the hang up.
  13. Alright, I know Chuck doesn't want too much support duty here, but I am really confused why I can't get this to start. I went from ABB to AVICnet to installing this. I am not able to get the navigation to start up. It loads to the start page, I can click the contacts and music buttons, but when I click iGo, it does nothing. It also says "system starting (or loading) please wait" then reboots after a few minutes. I deleted the save and igo folders, but something isn't letting this load?
  14. Alright, sorry for the questions, but when I haven't hacked in awhile, I get a little mixed up. I am trying to put PRIMO 2.0 on this thing now to check it out. I put the Prim3 folder in the APL2 folder and no Primo 2 icon. So I deleted everything out of the APL folder except iGo folder with maps, etc and installed the PRIMO3 folder and still nothing. Could you direct me a bit, please?
  15. Ah, dang it, got the VSS issue with PRIMO. Just to be clear. 1. Unhook VSS wire. 2. Hard reset. 3. Restart unit and open PRIMO 4. Once GPS is locked I can reconnect VSS? Is this correct?
  16. Please excuse my unknowing. Is there a specific model we need to look for when downloading maps for TomTom or Garmin? I didn't see any specifics on that. Also, is there a way to make the PRIMO the default map? When I load Primo, it loads the Primo w igo8, when I hit map, it reverts back to the w/o igo8 map look? Going to try this out, just installing now. Coming from Abb's mod that has been installed for over a year, needed a change for a bit. Looks good, hope it runs good. Installing on a f90bt.
  17. Thanks for uploading this ABB, just bought a Nexus as well. But I am having trouble finding the image folder, could you point me in the right direction? Thanks!
  18. ABB, thanks for at least one last mod for the F-series. Can't wait to install it asap. Question is, are the "new" schemes actually old ones from the last mod, or did you create new ones for this mod? I haven't had a chance to download yet as I am away from the home computer.
  19. Just installed, looks awesome. For some reason can't keep smart zoom turned off though?
  20. abb, your mods are great. I wouldn't be too concerned with lack of replies in this thread over time. Most I would assume are happy with the way it is and are awaiting the next update, probably not much to say. Just letting you know I have no problems with the current set up and always check this thread.
  21. When you are switching the mods, are you switching the SYS.txt files? they are both different! I will try your deletion method on the file, but would sys.txt have any affect on the BT? I do use the one you supply, but add some files to allow the road names to be in a box and to change the zoom settings.
  22. I have NEVER had a problem using Bluetooth, but then again I have an iPhone . I make calls frequently as I am on the road a lot and have never had the system reboot. The system will reboot when the onboard cache gets full, why this is happening with your phone, I don't know? Did you install my SYS.txt file or did you use one that you had prior? LOL, great iPhone versus Droid. Anyways I didn't have trouble until now. Twice I tried it and both times it rebooted, but we went on Vacation with your 2.75 and it worked fine for both of us??? Is there a way to clear the cache?
  23. Personally I hate smartzoom but if it is included I can always turn it off
  24. Anone having trouble with Bluetooth and this mod? My phone connects fine, but when I get a call it conects for a couple seconds then reboots the entire system. I have a moto droid and never had trouble before this mod and this is the only thing I have done to the system.
  25. Me too. Nothing fits the theme for me right now. Can't believe they make a Mario Cart, but no pick up.
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