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About BrianF

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  • Location
    Northant's UK
  1. Hi Bob, Pleased to see you got a good outcome from Pioneer, the guy that dealt with mine knew the firmware was not great but put up some initial resistance, persistance pays. Cheers. Brian.
  2. I didn't , after several phone calls to complain about the out of date maps(2007), sluggish key response etc and in my opinion this made it unfit for purpose (the street where the Halfords shop I bought the F900 from was not even on their map) they agreed to free issue me the ver 3 pack of two SD cards, it fixed 90% of my gripes and the others were fixed using advice and mods supplied by the good people on this site. I had previously downloaded Tomolas Ver3 and tried it out so I knew I would be happy with ver 3 and some minor mods from here, my F900 now performs like i expected it to when
  3. Have you tried asking Pioneer UK? I got my copy direct from pioneer in Slough two weeks ago, you can also ask your Pioneer dealer to get it for you Halfords UK is one wasy to get it, but it has to be ordered its not the kind of thing they keep in stock.
  4. Teleatlas maps are much better than Navteq in UK, I briefly installed Navteq and found the speed info missing completely in some areas and some residential street info was inaccurate so went back to Teleatlas.
  5. It took about four phone calls and me insisting it be escalated until someone would take my gripes seriously but I finaly got a sympathetic ear in the customer support dep't (or they got fed up with me calling) and explained my list of things that I thought made my purchase unfit for purpose and warranted either money back or an update and they agreed to let me have the upgrade pack. I have to say it has in the main fixed most of my problems, it has added a new one, when using POI's to show petrol stations some that were fine in ver 2 are now in the wrong place, an example is my local BP g
  6. I got the same large blue areas when i used Tomolas ver3 and maps, when I used his flash upload and the latest teleatlas uk 2009 map all was ok so i put ver 3 in my pc emulator and got the same blue areas using Pioneers UK map but ok with teleatlas map, I figured it may be to do with Pioneer trying to stop pirate copying of ver 3 ? I have since persuaded Pioneer UK to free issue me the SD's for version 3 and have now installed it and using the same map have no blue areas. Pioneer UK were very undersatanding of my situation when i told them that i did not expect 2007 maps and dodgy
  7. You need test mode ver 2.3 it works fine with pioneers new firmware. Link viewtopic.php?f=32&t=25329&start=0&hilit=2.006#p171978
  8. 1st SD card takes your F900 back to ver 2.1, second SD card takes it up to Ver 3.020100, I updated mine last night over your mods , it clears all traces of previous mods.
  9. BrianF

    Update 3.1 ??

    Latest version info cut and pasted from my SD received today. The maps are encrypted and the authentication key is required to decrypt. [2008 Navigation Application Release Record] Product : AVIC-F500BT/F700BT/F900BT 20090716 10:43 Release File : APL Release Version : 3.020100 20090716
  10. Thanks for posting, when you say NV maps do you mean navteq? I have been testing both Navteq and teleatlas and found that the Navteq maps lacked speed limit information in many areas.
  11. It looks good , it i gives me a good starting point to try to put the house numbers and TMC shortcut back in for my own preference, I used both of those a lot in GTIMatts original, I will probably remove the compass, it takes up space and I have never needed to use a compass or an altimeter in a car yet Thanks for your work.
  12. Right here:- http://www.filefactory.com/f/a6fc0bef967e8ddb/
  13. They are 7zip files, Download a copy of 7zip. From here http://www.7-zip.org/
  14. OK thanks I will try to use the branding.zip from the gurjon skin files, with my ver3 all I see are generic petrol signs no branding, thanks again for your help.
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