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Everything posted by RonS

  1. The following information is from memory since I haven't used a Pioneer product in many years. I recommend searching for the "official" Pioneer update instructions for whatever version you are going to installl. There may be specific steps on how to install. Of course there are steps to ignore because of the "hack" I recommend finding and downloading all the needed files before doing anything since there might be old broken links. The following steps apply to most of the older generation F, Z, and X series head units US and EU): #1 Download the map update zip file. You might have t
  2. I believe that 2017 and 2019 had the same Bluetooth firmware. So I don't know how your firmware went missing or why it errors when installed through the Bluetooth settings menu. As I said, in Testmode, there are diagnostic tests and there is a way to force load Bluetooth firmware. But the service manual is not clear on how to do this.
  3. I'm not sure I understand. Did the 2019 update actually complete, and these messages show when you attempted to update the Bluetooth firmware from the menu? I can't read the Spanish text in the picture and of course Google won't translate an image. So I can't know exactly what the problem is. Update: I found how to translate text in photos using Google Lens: "Updating Bluetooth software. It will take a few minutes. Do not turn off the unit until the update is finished." "There is a defect and the update is not possible. " I hope someone who has successfully installed
  4. OK, I think we should try this first. It is less destructive than my other idea. It appears that your attempt to install the 2019 update did not complete successfully for an unknown reason. When this occurs, the radio is stuck in "update mode". I wrote a script to terminate this mode, so I think it will leave your radio running the previous firmware and maps. You can then either continue with your old version or try to update to 2019 again. To run this script, download the attached ZIP file. Extract the zip, which should contain two files: ScriptExec TESTMODE.KEY Copy
  5. What happens if you eject the SD then reboot? If is not supposed to try to install the same version of the maps. So it shouldn't have hurt anything. There is a way to go back to the previous version but I have the instructions on my computer and I am away from the office. I can check tomorrow.
  6. Is there a reason you created another login account after posting 10 times with this same problem last week? In order to get help to find what you have done wrong you need to post more details. The fact that we don't speak the same language makes the harder. Did the 2019 map update finish? How long did the update take to finish? It usually takes about 20 minutes. If you get that "Insert correct SD" message before the update is completed then there is something wrong with the files on your SD or the SD size or format type is incompatible with the radio. What size SD ar
  7. You might already have the latest Bluetooth firmware. It hasn't changed since 2015. I don't know what the version number is, possibly 3.24 If you need it, you can get the FIRMWARE directory from the 2017 update from either US or EU updates
  8. I don't have an F series but from a quick search of other updates it seems the F10 and F20 are the same hardware so it should be compatible with the correct Cardinfo cif file I posted above.
  9. Use the card info from this post http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/83505-new-release-f20bt-f30bt-f40bt-f920bt-f930bt-f840bt-etc-2017-releastechnologye/&do=findComment&comment=345219
  10. Don't bother with this 2013 update. Use the last update for US - 2017.
  11. It only works with old models. I doubt that the AVIC-CE902AL is supported by the the Testmode I use. Sorry.
  12. The problem appears to be some kind of new security "feature" with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. The download works fine using Firefox. However I added a new link in the original post to access the file from Google Drive. You can download it from there.
  13. I don't know since I've never tried it on an F20BT. It won't hurt to try it. Let us know how it goes.
  14. Not sure which update you are trying to find, but here is a post to a link that works for the last Pioneer update to the Z110-bt. link to post with a working map link This thread in which you have posted is long dead and has obsolete information. You'll still need to download and install the shortfuse hack on your Z110 before attempting to install the map/firmware update. Also, since the above linked file is for a slightly different model, you'll need to replace the cardinfo.cif file with the one for a Z110 on the SD card. link to shortfuse hack link to zipped CARDINFO.CI
  15. Well that's good news. AFA left only, I don't have any guesses. I don't know much about how that Lightning interface works. I'm actually surprised that the X910bt supports it at all. Did you set AV1 Input to iPod in the AV System Settings menu? Did you try it using the iPod as the audio source? Note: Pioneer uses the term iPod and iPhone interchangeabley.
  16. Do you even know if the console USB delivers power? Even if it does, it might not be connected to the X910bt. I think there's only one USB connection to the X910bt. To test if it is connected to the X910bt you could use a USB memory stick with a few mp3 files to see if you can access and play them. The 30pin connector is probably for connecting to old style (pre-lightning interface) iPods. I used an old one to store and play music with my old AVIC Z110BT which was a few years newer and more advanced than the X910bt. I think one of the firmware updates added support for lighting, bu
  17. You can download the X910bt user manual from Crutchfield. https://pdf.crutchfieldonline.com/ImageBank/v20090713153600/Manuals/130/130AVIC910.PDF This unit is over 15 years old and had limited firmware updates. I doubt it will support a modern iPhone over Lightning cable but I don't do apple. You can try it is you have a cable and have access to the unit's USB connector. Looking at the manual, I'm not seeing support for music over Bluetooth. Just guessing since I have no experience with the older models. If it was me, I'd get a modern radio that supports carplay.
  18. My script works fine on an X930BT. You must of done something wrong. Any instructions involving installing "hackmode" are dangerous and obsolete due to the unnecessary risk involved.
  19. I'm confused why you call it a blue tooth microphone. Are you using something other than a wired mic plugged in to the 2.5 mm port on the back of the unit? There is no bluetooth involved. It's called 'Voice' button. It will mute the source if you press and hold it. Maybe you're holding it too long or there's something wrong with your button causing it to stick. Regarding Voice commands, I rarely used them for other than phone dialing. I used my phone and bluetooth to play music. Unless you have a supported iPod connected via USB dongle, there are no voice commands like 'Play Artist'
  20. I monitor this forum but I'm not a Pioneer user anymore
  21. This method works on AVIC F980 DAB and many newer models: https://avic411.com/uploads/monthly_2019_01/password.jpg.e1023850ae2219e91faa9c330350bc45.jpg
  22. Since you have an F940-BT I moved this thread to the correct F series sub-forum. In the Hacks/Mods section you'll find Security Password Removal Script
  23. First, remove the password using my script. That will get you access to the radio. Then if you feel that something isn't right when accessing some menus you can test whether the handbrake connection is bad. There is a settings screen where it displays the status of various things, including the state of the parking brake.
  24. Do you know the password? To enter text you need the parking brake set. If your headunit did not get installed correctly with a parking brake sensor, then your best course of action is to use my Security Password Removal script in the Hacks section .
  25. Did you look at the Z110-BT Installation Manual I provided a link to? The diagram on pgs 8-9 shows the mic and where to plug it in. The jack even has a marking "MIC IN"
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