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Everything posted by YzRacer

  1. HenryJ, you might add your hard drive info to this thread: http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic. ... &start=240 I sent you a PM as well, and if you get a chance today if you could send those matching dll I would like to try them.
  2. Great job man, looks great! I put a Z2 in my 05 Super Duty as well. I was impressed with how much room there is in the dash to work with. I put my GPS under the dash and I think I will move it to your location for better reception. Hopefully we will get the Z2 bypassed soon and I will be a lot happier.
  3. It's hard to understand I know, so here is a picture!
  4. Damn, no luck HenryJ, when I put the files you sent on my Z2 it would not boot, it would show the splash screen and then restart over and over. Make sure I got you right, I put the PRG.FLG file in the root of the SDATA partition and I replaced the HMIManager file in my APL folder with the one you sent. I would also like to confirm that the PRG.FLG file you sent me has a size of 0 bytes? Mazdaspeed, I offered HenryJ my image as he has provided me with a lot of info and the files to experiment with. This thread is concerning file swapping between the Z1 and Z2, not requests for Z2 images sor
  5. HenryJ, at first glance it apprears the partitions and folders have the same setup on the Z2. I got my adapter today and unlocked my Z2 drive, and I am in the process of making a backup image. Any recommendation on making the best backup image? I installed Acronis and I am using it now, but it doesn't make a standard .iso file which is what I was wanting. After it's done backing up I am going to disable the drive locking and start experimenting with the files you sent. I feel confident that with any luck I will be rocking a bypassed Z2 by the end of the day. Thanks for all your research and if
  6. Henry, I hope to have my IDE adapter on Monday or Tuesday and I will try to get started with the unlocking and ripping my Z2 image. Perhaps if you haven't got one from somewhere else, we could trade images......perhaps then we can both have unlocked Z2's.
  7. Henry, you rock dude! I am on this as soon as I get my IDE adapter to hook my Z2 drive to my computer. Are the files I need included in the bluetooth update package that I downloaded from the forum? Or do I need a complete Z1 image to get all the files?
  8. The "ground pin" on the Z2 does not seem to be disabled, in the same location it reads 5v just like the Z1 did, so I am hoping to get a 2 wire bypass by switching the folders you experimented with.
  9. Titos, thanks for the offer, now I am not sure where I read about someone switching from the old z1 (lights flashing) to the new z1 (2 wire) on this forum but that was pretty convincing to me. Perhaps it is only a matter of changing the mininum files required?
  10. Timvan, same results for me, it lasted longest when I would wait for simple hybrid before flipping the switch. 20 miles was my best go, I don't know what else to try with this trick.
  11. Ok, I ordered an IDE adapter because all I have now is a USB one. I have the bluetooth update for the Z1 downloaded and I will try to use the files there to hack my Z2 as soon as I get the adapter.
  12. I think this method would be a sure success, just sucks that we can't find a simpler bypass and people with the Z2 will all have to get their hdd unlocked. I suppose I am all for it though and maybe I will get to work on unlocking mine soon.
  13. I am starting to loose hope. I tried a couple more times today and I can't get over 20 miles before getting the error. I will say that this has been stop and go, but each time I shut off the radio and then shut off the switch. I turn it back on after the unit is fully rebooted. Initially I have been waiting until I get simple hybrid on the cablibration screen before flipping the switch the first time. I don't know what else to try.
  14. Well I may have got ahead of myself, I got the parking break error just as I was pulling in the house. It did work longer than ever at just under 20 miles. I didn't notice any changes on the calibration screen, I am still at simple hybrid. It is possible that I messed it up myself when I went through a drive through and shut my truck off, so I will give this method another effort tomorrow. I feel like I am getting close and I am going to keep trying, there has to be a simple bypass for this thing like all the other models.
  15. I did finally get the vss not connected message, and I didn't have to drive far after the reset to get it. I mentioned in the other thread my newest find, which involved waiting until my calibration went to simple hybrid to flip the switch. It is working better than before, over 10 miles and still no error.
  16. ok guys, I might have made some progress. I reset my unit again and started my dvd with the switch on. After 30 secs of play I turned it off and turned the switch off. After starting again I just drove around until my calibration got to simple hybrid, then I selected dvd while driving and hit the switch. It is all working for now, over 10 miles! I am at the Dr now and I will take the long way home to see if it keeps working.
  17. Timvan, how long did you have to go before you got the VSS message? I am hoping it works for you, I really believe getting the VSS message is part of the deal.
  18. Beachdoc, I think it's unlikely that your VSS is grounded. I originally had a Z1 and the first time I installed it I did not connect the VSS and I remember getting the message for VSS not connected. I am going to do some driving today, and like I said yesterday, I believe that after driving some distance with the VSS unhooked the unit will realize I disconnected it and give me the warning. After that I have faith this bypass will work.
  19. Just my .02, shouldn't it go to someone with a Z2 that can provide an image and assist with the software bypass you guys have been talking about?
  20. Beachdoc, thanks again for the input. I reset my unit again and decided that I will drive a while before I try the bypass. I think I might eventually get the VSS wire message and I will try the bypass again after that. My guess is that everyone who is having a problem has had their VSS connected in the past. I am sure that sometime during the new calibration process I will get the popup for the VSS wire and after that it will work fine.
  21. Beachdoc, thanks for the input. I actually did reset everything one by one on the calibration screen. I am not getting the screen you mention during reset saying the VSS is not connected. Are you sure your VSS wire isn't grounded? I previously had the VSS working on my truck but I disconnected it today when I tried this bypass. If I go the the connection status page it just shows the speed pulse as 0. Sounds like this is the clue I need to work with.
  22. Ok, I have tried it a few times and a few different ways but I can't get it to work. Please help me find what I am doing wrong: I reset everything to default and reset my calibration. I go to the hardware connection status screen, and check the p brake is on when I flip the switch. I reset the unit, let it reboot and put in a dvd. I get the popup messages for the maps and the dvd and i press ok, and start playing the dvd for min 30 seconds. I turn my truck off, and open the door to kill the radio, then I turn off the p brake switch and wait 1 minute. I start the truck and l
  23. I am having this problem too. When I first tried this bypass I disconnected the VSS but did not reset the calibration and it worked for a couple miles, I was really excited and I thought I had it but then I got the error. After that I stopped and reset the calibration and did the bypass again, now I get the error in less than a mile! I came in to read this thread again and it seems like I am following the instructions properly, so I am going to try a couple more times right now.
  24. Ok, this bypass thread is more interesting than the others. I have never experienced what you guys are talking about. In aviation most inputs I work with are either discreet on/off or some variable rvdt or lvdt. You are suggesting that this "discreet" may require a specific range instead of on/off? I can check with a friend at work about getting a decade box, I have used them before, but it's unlikely I will get one out of the gate to use at home. Maybe I will get some resisitors this week and give it a shot.
  25. Ok guys, I got my Z2 this evening and I will be playing with it some over the weekend and I will have more time during the week. I will be accepting suggestions on bypassing lol.
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