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Everything posted by mattaleao

  1. This is fantastic news, thanks. Ordering my adapter right now.
  2. Apple appears to be the next RIM? Haha. Apple sets the market, the market will adjust accordingly. Something will happen eventually, it just might take awhile.
  3. Yes, I have. Same exact result as going straight through lightning.
  4. For the record, the cablejive does not work.
  5. Fuck. Guess i'm returning mine tomorrow.
  6. Bluetooth works fine though. The only thing it doesnt do is show album art or let you thumbs up & down - but album/artist/title works as well as skipping.
  7. Are the avics digital audio or analog? (would we need to use the 3.5mm in this scenario?)
  8. I can assure you that nobody at Pioneer has an adapter to even test with, so this is all just people guessing. We won't know anything for a bit. I was told that radioshack is expecting them on Thursday, but then the apple store told me they had no ETA and it might be end of October before they show up at their stores.
  9. I'm not sure that's necessarily true. When you plug the phone in, the unit sees 'a device' initially, it just doesn't see the ipod or pandora application that runs on it. The fact that it throws the error 'ipod not authorized' leads me to believe it sees the device but not the application, which a firmware update could potentially fix. I agree however, that the adaptor likely won't do much.
  10. Yes, I'm on the latest. No dice.
  11. Mine does this as well, I suspect a firmware update on the pioneer side will be required to fix this. Not necessarily a cable.
  12. What I don't understand is how they supposedly got a 30 pin adapter to test out since even the apple stores haven't gotten any yet. I mean, I suspect that it won't work work regardless, but I'm skeptical they were able to acquire one to test with.
  13. Until something changes, I just listen to all my music (pandora, ipod, grooveshark) via Bluetooth, and I plug my iPhone 5 in when I need to charge it.
  14. This happened to me too, using unarchiver for OSX - WinRAR & WinZIP seem to work fine though.
  15. I've got a z130bt with z140bt maps/firmware on it now - do you want me to test the autoinstall tonight?
  16. If your upgrade doesn't start within 15 seconds of putting the SD card in the device, then you either have the wrong cardfile, or your SD card is busted. Make sure your SD cards are fat32 format, and if you are still having trouble - please include your operating system and which program you are using to unzip the files.
  17. That won't work. When you plug the iphone5 in with the lightning cable, on the AVIC's you get "iPod not found" or "iPod not authorized" - basically it can't even see it. For what it's worth, it will charge and you can play pandora & ipod music via bluetooth. (no album art for either, though)
  18. Radioshack seems to think they are getting their shipment of adapters on thursday. If that's the case i'll buy one and test it. Supposedly there is an adapter that wil do video out as well for $10 more, I'm not sure if they will be coming out at the same time as the audio-only or not.
  19. I've noted a few times in this thread that I've done this successfully. The original z140 files from the download work just fine. If your update isn't starting you are doing something incorrectly, or your SD card is bad.
  20. Yes - don't modify ANYTHING from the downloaded source z140 files, you ONLY replace the RenewallFlib.dll on the UNIT. *NOT* the source files. If windows 7 is showing a smaller amount of files than OSX I apologize for that confusion. If the update accepts the password you put in, and it starts the update - you have successfully completed the patching step of the process. If it stops at 98% that means only one of three things: - Your SD card is bad - You are missing at least one file from the source - You have modified at least one of the source files Those are the only reaso
  21. For the record, I have a z130bt and have a similar setup where I have a female USB input. Plugging my iPhone 5 into the female usb with the lightning connector, I still get no recognition that there is an iPod (though it does charge), so the 30pin->lighting converter will be the only hope here unless pioneer releases a firmware update to remedy this.
  22. Here is a screenshot of the update folder that's on my SD Card. The update folder is 99% of the data.
  23. Thats the compressed size, when its completely uncompressed and you are copying it to your SD card, it should be ~3.6 gig
  24. I dont have the source files anymore. Just re-download it from the google drive if your current source is < 3.62GB
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