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Everything posted by stargate125645

  1. You attacked someone else for their reading ability, and I pointed out that it was hypocritical to do so. You brought it on yourself. You attacked people first, anyway, sir.
  2. You didn't capitalize "Android" at least once, off the top of my head, and some other proper nouns. You also overuse (misuse some would say) semicolons. Not that it matters, but your message could be improved. I've been hitting their Facebook page semi-regularly but haven't gotten any responses.
  3. I'm not sure myself. I reset the distance one, for example, and it went up near the full within a day or two. Both the 3D and the distance are one bar from fully complete on mine.
  4. Make sure you have selected within the settings on the head unit to use the device as phone and audio both. It's an option within the Bluetooth settings menu.
  5. I feel for you and hope it gets better. I understand your frustration. WIth that said, if we are going to criticize the literacy of others, it behooves us to use proper grammar ourselves, such as knowing the difference between "you're" and "your." (No, if you don't use it properly, you don't know the difference - or you wouldn't have typed it wrongly in the first place.) Edit: Pioneer does provide a compatibility list. It is short. Just sayin'...
  6. I'm pretty sure the Navigation is just an overlay program...it still uses the Maps database. I wouldn't make sense if they did it otherwise.
  7. No free interent? Ya don't say! That page is blocked (at work) due to the bad certificate, so you'll have to pardon me if I didn't get a chance to browse their site in its entirety. If it is set up so you can preload maps of areas like you can on your phone, a constant internet connection wouldn't be an issue.
  8. I am curious as to how the videos they show on the website miraculously have an internet connection.
  9. More and more nightmares...I really think the Z130BT is the best bet for now. Too bad Pioneer is too cheap to allow for map upgrades without changing the stupid background firmware as well.
  10. The Galaxy S3 is available on all carriers.
  11. Audio quality will probably be better over auxiliary. Doesn't the 940 have a microSD slot? That would be your best bet. Of course, if all your music is 128kbp/s then there is only so much you can do.
  12. Is that like Apple's force-you-to-upgrade shenanigans of Siri not working on 3GS, or is there a hardware limitation for that like processing power? If it's the latter, several Android phones should be having the same problems (on AppRadio 2) - my old one certainly would! But if it's supposed to work on the 4-series, I would have no idea what the problem is. Have you tried playing videos from an SD card?
  13. I already acknowledged the hardware differences with my 4G LTE comment. The baseband is not a part of the software in which you would find the issue. The kernels are modified with the UI shells and the bloatware. I have yet to see a carrier-modified kernel that actually changes things like Bluetooth features or programming. If I'm wrong, provide me a link to educate me. I'm here to expand my knowledge as much as the next guy.
  14. Firmware? Do you mean the UI shell that some companies put on their phones? Other than that and bloatware, the phones are the same between carriers if you are on 4G LTE.
  15. Why spend so much money for a head unit only to ruin the audio quality with BT compression?
  16. Does playing an actual DVD work?
  17. Although I agree that head units are overpriced in principle, I think you are overlooking key differences by making that statement. Even assuming you bought your phone at full price instead of subsidized through a carrier, production volume plays a big part in the prices, for example.
  18. That would surprise me. That would be a glaring oversight on the part of the manufacturer and software developers. Have you tried to change Pioneer's password? It works fine for me with 1111 on the Z130BT, though.
  19. OK? My droid worked fine on Android 2.3.x as well. Both of my phones connect to the Z130BT and my separate Samsung Bluetooth headset just fine. Have you tried connecting your phone to other BT devices? I'll bet it works fine. Besides, it's not like Pioneer doesn't have a history of shotty firmware releases.
  20. So there were no unusual steps when I connected to my Z130BT. I simply put my phone as "discoverable" and told the head unit to search for devices. Once my phone appeared, I clicked it and a window popped up on my phone that asked for the password. I entered the password and hit "OK." I was then told that the Z130BT wanted access to the contacts list. I selected "don't ask again" (this appeared as "always allow access" or something like that on my old Droid), and hit "OK." No problems thereafter, and contacts list downloaded fine. I was able to call people via voice recognition (or what
  21. You can always use the negative threads on forums like these to encourage them to help. For as much money as they charge (and make!) for each head unit there should be very few problems. Bad publicity can go a long way! Update?
  22. I guess I will find out Monday when my SGS3 arrives whether I have the same issue.
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