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General AVIC-90BT/NAV question - Am I being Ripped Off?

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So, despite the horrid array of issues that I've been reading, I decided to take the plunge and order an AVIC-90BT the other day. I used a few search engines to find a low priced vendor with a high enough reseller rating to be legit.


I finally found one at PrestigeCamera.com for 658.00 with free shipping. This seemed like a sweet deal for sure, so I placed the order online.


Fast forward a day or two. It's 8 in the morning, and I'm woken up by a phone call. It's a sales rep from PrestigeCamera.com wanting to talk about my order. I was tired, dazed, and a little confused since, normally, if I place an order online with other companies, they process it, and ship it out to me in a few days w/o having to call me.


So anyway, the sales rep talks to me and confirms that I did, in fact, order an AVIC-90BT...yes, yes I did. Next, he asks what map package I want. Being new to the whole in dash NAV/DVD/ipod/bling systems, I figured I must have overlooked a detail somewhere saying "Note!!: you must buy maps separately, and they will be expensive!" He asked if I wanted the 2007 or 2008 ones...the 2008 was apparently 160 bucks. I replied with a tired "uh...erm...sure." Then he tries to sell me some warranty, which I guess is through them, and not pioneer. I'm not really sure what happened; all I know is that my awesome price of 658.00 for a AVIC-90BT magically became 800+ through an early morning phone call.




After I woke up a bit more, I started to think that this all seems odd and bogus. It's weird to me, because I've never seen it mentioned on any websites that you need to buy the maps separately. And, with some sites still retailing this thing at 900 bucks, it's crazy that you'd have to buy maps in addition to the 900 dollar price tag :\


Did you all have to buy separate map packages and such to go with your AVIC-90BT's? Perhaps this is standard practice with these types of car audio/video equipment, and I'm just a big noober. It's hard to say, so that's why I'm coming to you guys for some help. Should I call them up and be like, "wth? Don't rip me off plz, thx."

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So, despite the horrid array of issues that I've been reading, I decided to take the plunge and order an AVIC-90BT the other day. I used a few search engines to find a low priced vendor with a high enough reseller rating to be legit.


I finally found one at PrestigeCamera.com for 658.00 with free shipping. This seemed like a sweet deal for sure, so I placed the order online.


Fast forward a day or two. It's 8 in the morning, and I'm woken up by a phone call. It's a sales rep from PrestigeCamera.com wanting to talk about my order. I was tired, dazed, and a little confused since, normally, if I place an order online with other companies, they process it, and ship it out to me in a few days w/o having to call me.


So anyway, the sales rep talks to me and confirms that I did, in fact, order an AVIC-90BT...yes, yes I did. Next, he asks what map package I want. Being new to the whole in dash NAV/DVD/ipod/bling systems, I figured I must have overlooked a detail somewhere saying "Note!!: you must buy maps separately, and they will be expensive!" He asked if I wanted the 2007 or 2008 ones...the 2008 was apparently 160 bucks. I replied with a tired "uh...erm...sure." Then he tries to sell me some warranty, which I guess is through them, and not pioneer. I'm not really sure what happened; all I know is that my awesome price of 658.00 for a AVIC-90BT magically became 800+ through an early morning phone call.




After I woke up a bit more, I started to think that this all seems odd and bogus. It's weird to me, because I've never seen it mentioned on any websites that you need to buy the maps separately. And, with some sites still retailing this thing at 900 bucks, it's crazy that you'd have to buy maps in addition to the 900 dollar price tag :\


Did you all have to buy separate map packages and such to go with your AVIC-90BT's? Perhaps this is standard practice with these types of car audio/video equipment, and I'm just a big noober. It's hard to say, so that's why I'm coming to you guys for some help. Should I call them up and be like, "wth? Don't rip me off plz, thx."


Yes, burned. Cancel ASAP.

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Sounds like they caught you napping for sure! I went with sonicelectronix.com for 725.0 and took the advice on another post to go through live.com for the MSN rebate of $200. I know it will post to my paypal account in 2 months, but 200 is 200!


Been a good experience with them, placed it online and it came 4 days later with free shipping. You probably forgot what they said about the shipping charges!


Get out now!! Good luck

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youre probably gonna get a huge run around with the slime bags that you ordered from. if i were you i would call them, tell them you need the order canceled and that you are also going to call your credit card and dispute the charges if they still charge you for it. just keep an eye on your statement...those online camera stores (mostly based in new york) are super shady!

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haha, i went throught his same thing with a store found on pricescan.com they get the lowest price on the list, and charge you per component, and all they are advertising is the item itself. If you want any of the accessories they are going to milk you really quick.


You definately don't want to mess around with this kind of money. The fact they charged you for a map update for unit that just came out, and its integrated in nvram is funny.


They are not charging you the low price, the low price was to get you in the door, and a lot of idiots woudl fo done exactly what you did and said ok.


Like in the old days buying a computer for 500 bucks was great, but oh yeah you need the monitor and keyboard and mouse and speakers and a printer and paper and a printer cable. So what was a 500 dollar purchase in an advertisment turns into 1000 +


Gotta love it.

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Unfortunately this is a pattern for a lot of these 'camera' discount companies. You buy at an unbelievable price and then get THE phone call. Well, did you want the camera strap? Only $59.99. Did you want the knob for the front of the radio? Only $199. The caller's job is to get the rest of the profit out of you that they didn't get on the sale price.


Always check reseller ratings online before you buy... they reveal this practice. I always shop Amazon to see what their best price is. If you get it cheaper than whats advertised on Amazon, then triple check the vendor before you buy!!


Been there... done that... got the 'add on knobs'...

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You should have told the guy that you _just_ bought the 2008 Deluxe map package and the Pioneer wiring harnass from the salesman that called yesterday. Then explain to him that you want a call back as soon as the 2009 map package is available for preorder.

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