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Trip Computer on 3.0 (combination of NSEW and mikeinnj mods)

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EDIT: I should mention - that NSEW and others get most of the credit here. I just brought it into a mod I was working on.


I'll try to capture everything that I did.


1. copy two trip computer ui files from the common/ui and the 800_480/ui directories

2. modify the 800_480/ui/main.ui file and add the imports to the end of their respective sections (the 800_480 one at the end of that chunk and the common at the end of the common chunk).

3. Modify the 800_480/ui/scripts_800_480.ui file to have the following:

4. make sure you copy over all the necessary bmp files. I believe they are:

800_480\BTN_PREV1.bmp#3 & BTN_PREV1.SPR 
800_480\BTN_NEXT1.bmp#3 & BTN_NEXT1.SPR 

5. modify the navigate_800_480.ui to have the button and/or the button blue bottons:

; Trip Computer icon


;*******trip comp N-S-E-W version with route******* 

visiblemodel="navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='run sc_tripreset_confirm' usefocus=0 
onclick='playsound "!sectionbeepB"' USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='nextstate ST_TRIPCOMPUTER' enabledmodel="!ui.vOnFlyover" USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='other.tripcomputer.prev_trip, run sc_trippageinfo' usefocus=0 USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='other.tripcomputer.next_trip, run sc_trippageinfo' usefocus=0 USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='other.tripcomputer.pause_current' 
onclick='playsound "!sectionstartB"' USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='other.tripcomputer.pause_current' onclick='playsound "!sectionstartA"' USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

;*****N-S-E-W's trip comp - no route*****

visiblemodel="!navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='run sc_tripreset_confirm' usefocus=0 
onclick='playsound "!sectionbeepB"' USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="!navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='nextstate ST_TRIPCOMPUTER' enabledmodel="!ui.vOnFlyover" USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="!navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='other.tripcomputer.prev_trip, run sc_trippageinfo' usefocus=0 USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="!navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='other.tripcomputer.next_trip, run sc_trippageinfo' usefocus=0 USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="!navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='other.tripcomputer.pause_current' 
onclick='playsound "!sectionstartB"' USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

visiblemodel="!navigation.distance_to_manuver.valid" onrelease='other.tripcomputer.pause_current' 
onclick='playsound "!sectionstartA"' USE_SEPARATED_SAFETY_MODE=0>

;************ END no route ***********


6. Add the variable in the common/ui/variable_def.ui


7. Add the setting in the 800_480/ui/setting_800_480.ui

;;Trip computer Additions:

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Nice write up Ben.


I want to add that if you are using the on screen button Ben created you probably want to comment out the first script in both the route and no route section. Otherwise add the tripcompbtn.bmp to the common folder. This bmp is invisible when installed and is the same location as the MAX SPEED box.


;*******trip comp N-S-E-W version with route*******


Be sure to keep a copy of your current usable data.zip before altering with this. It's very easy to forget something and you won't get past the start up screen if you do.


IDT - If you're reading this you'd want to change out your tripselected.bmp with the one in here or my mod pack. It has longer arms on it that's more in tune with our screen resolution.

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Thanks Ben! I had been trying to get this added in to Keepers config. I had gotten EVERYTHING but the damn variable.ui file addition. Thanks for the great writeup! I will post when I get it working (citing your great work of course).

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One question... I have this all integrated into Keepers mods. Everything is showing up correctly and I get no errors but the problem is its not polling any data. Everything is showing 0. If I drop in your data.zip it all works fine. Is there something that I missed to make it not read any trip data?

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I got it to work but I get this in the map settings:[attachment=0]ATT366795.jpg[/attachment]

..so, I had to comment out the "Full Screen Map" lines above it in the setting_800_480.ui file:

;;Trip computer Additions:


I think the problem here is that the index for the y needs to be moved down. It's being used at the same y value for multiple settings. All that should be needed is to move it down at the same interval (you will notice the y values increasing by the same value each time.


EDIT: I misunderstood the post - it still shows the original even w/ it commented out. That is odd. I wonder if it's defined also in the common/ui as well and it may be easier to shift it down? I'll do some searching.

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One question... I have this all integrated into Keepers mods. Everything is showing up correctly and I get no errors but the problem is its not polling any data. Everything is showing 0. If I drop in your data.zip it all works fine. Is there something that I missed to make it not read any trip data?


hmm - sorry about that - potentially I missed a step. I'll look over it this afternoon and check. I'll do some greps on the different ui file to make sure and post what I find out.

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One question... I have this all integrated into Keepers mods. Everything is showing up correctly and I get no errors but the problem is its not polling any data. Everything is showing 0. If I drop in your data.zip it all works fine. Is there something that I missed to make it not read any trip data?


hmm - sorry about that - potentially I missed a step. I'll look over it this afternoon and check. I'll do some greps on the different ui file to make sure and post what I find out.


It very well could be something on my part. Just wondering if there was something that stuck out at you that might cause this. I will grep some more around your original data file and see if there is anything else I can come up with too. :)

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I already commented it out BEFORE I posted the code :( my bad. It was conflicting with the other text so I saw what to fix. I DO have another issue though. It seems that the last time I used the tripmeter mod (in V2) it still would not work every time. Just some of the time. When it does work it works great but when it doesn't the screen displays all zeroes...regardless of how much I "reset" the trip meter. Sometimes I shut the system down completely and re-start the system and it will still show all zeroes. Not consistant. The clock in the lower RH corner is working yet the time in the tripmeter(s) stand still...they will change upon reset but still remain frozen.

What makes this tripmeter do this? Is there a string in the code that grabs the clock? Isn't it supposed to reset upon power down??

I had this problem before and no one could help. I really like this feature but it sucks that I cannot depend on it :(





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