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  1. You can get the first month of traffic free on Avicsync. That is about it for free options.
  2. Likely be cheaper to swap out the radio to get one with HDMI input, but you might find some setup that converts HDMI to Composite Video.
  3. The bypass is software only. Connect the brake wire correctly, otherwise you are likely to get errors.
  4. Have you restarted your phone? I've had wonkyness since updating to 9.3.1, but a phone restart clears it up for a while.
  5. Are you plugging it into USB 1?
  6. Try a different brand USB stick.
  7. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xnNQvrmhju8
  8. Instructions are here: https://pioneer.naviextras.com/shop/portal/p2howto-guide?guide=Toolbox For those thinking of pointing to the manual like I was, this is all the manual says, and it is on the back cover, not mentioned in the table of contents or index, so very easy to miss: To keep up to date with the latest navigational data, you can periodically update your navigation system. For further details, please visit: http://pioneer.naviextras.com
  9. As per other posters in the thread, try a USB drive connected to USB1. Don't use PNY brand.
  10. Turn off the displayed services to unclutter the map. If you set an actual navigation destination, it will change how the zoom works. And, yes, I am happy with how the map works. I don't need to know what is further than the next exit when I am not using it for directions to someplace. I use road signs to know that. Edit to add: I think I figured it out. You (03Aviator) are trying to use it as a map, when it isn't. It is a navigation system, so is not what you want.
  11. Connect your parking brake correctly, the bypass is software only for X100 & X200 AVIC models. Check to make sure all wires are well connected, as it might be something disconnecting. Keep trying on the "set-on" message, it can be tricky. Make sure you turn off all sources first.
  12. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YZW-Voz-O_g
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