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Everything posted by VBLUE42

  1. I’ve decided to go another route and sell these amps that I’ve had for only a couple of months. I have 2 of them for sale. These are micro amps and are about the size of a check book and about 2” deep. They are supper clean with 90 watts rms x4. 80 bucks a piece or 150 together shipped.
  2. No you need to either connect the E brake or perform the bypass. What you were seeing is by design giving the units current installed state.
  3. http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/82242-for-sale-app-radio-4/
  4. For anyone in the market ive got this for sale at a good deal. http://www.ebay.com/itm/282024197448?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  5. http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/281951533150?
  6. This forum is absolutely the wrong place for this sorta garbage. User is banned.
  7. You won't brick your unit. The worst that will happen is it will disable the bypass.
  8. Ok what is the deal with all the bickering and insults going back and forth between you. I don't know how this crap got started but I'm tired of it and will lock this thread if it continues. This is not the place for you to settle your differences.
  9. Some testers of the iOS9 beta are reporting minor issues. But, how are we suppose to know if there will be problems when there has been no release yet?
  10. We don't name call, refer to as, or use profanity at other members around here. Take it somewhere else if that's the way you're going to respond!
  11. It is true. The NEX were designed with Car Play in mind. Car Play was still in beta when the NEX were relased and that is why it want avaiable on release.
  12. The standard rule of thumb with Pioneer is if fhe unit doesn't suport a feature upon its initial release, it never will be added with an update. They will always save the "next big thing" for the next unit they release. So, to answer your question, No!
  13. VBLUE42

    AVICSync app

    If they haven't released it by now it's safe to say they will never release it.
  14. VBLUE42

    AVICSync app

    If they haven't released it by now it's safe to say they will never release it.
  15. It should be a new thread. Copy all of this to a new thread before it gets deleted.
  16. Yeah I've gotten to where I don't even respond to such post anymore. I use to just delete them outright but I just let them be.
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