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Everything posted by CarpalTomO

  1. I could do $30 tops. Maybe setup a new thread with a poll option to better track this?
  2. I tried scrolling through the favorites list, or any list for that matter and it does not work. I tried with the parking brake activated and not activated and no scrolling whatsoever. I seem to recall this being an issue before as well.
  3. Sorry, haven't remembered to try that in Waze as I've been out of town for the last three days. I have some errands to run today and will try it out.
  4. I will try that today and report back. I don't physically connect my 4S to my AppRadio much anymore as I have jsut short 5 mile trips most of the time now.
  5. If I enter an address in Waze before connecting to AppRadio, everything works fine though
  6. So with an iPhone 4s running iOS 8.1, an AppRadio (sph-DA02) latest version of Waze and latest version of AppRadio app, pulling up keyboard while Waze is onscreen causes an instant crash and black screen. Odd considering the change log for AppRadio app said keyboard is disabled for iOS 8 users
  7. I use Waze and an AppRadio 1 (SPH-DA02) and have an iPhone 4s on iOS 8.1. I just updated the AppRadio app to the latest version (which disables the onscreen keyboard) as well as Waze and will test it on the way home from work today and report back.
  8. http://www.crutchfield.com/p_500ILX007/Alpine-iLX-007.html Even at this price it's too expensive. No BluleTooth so you would have to have your phone plugged in all the time to just answer a call through the HU. If your phone is plugged in for short periods of time charging, this is bad for the battery and shortens the life of it.
  9. The NEX 4000 has a resistive screen (cheaper to manufacture) so it has a larger screen. The AppRadio 4 has a capacitive screen, more expensive to manufacture, therefore, smaller screen to keep costs down. There are other differences if you care to read on. Info: http://www.pcpro.co.uk/realworld/357325/capacitive-or-resistive-whats-the-best-type-of-touchscreen
  10. Good to hear! I encourage you to explore and tweak more. Let us know what else you find. Thanks for sharing
  11. It happens with the latest version of Waze an the previous version of AppRadio as well. It's a bug with Waze I believe
  12. Thanks for the update, Mike! Keep up the good work! Are you working with the latest version of AppRadio 2.6.0 app? or should we hold off on updating it?
  13. The AppRadio head unit stays on for five minutes after you turn off your vehicle, regardless of make and model (this is pioneer's "quickstart" feature mentioned in the manual). Thus it's keeping your amp on for that duration. Try turning off and leaving your car. Come back in 10 minutes and see if the amp is still on then.
  14. I can't scroll through the list of search results reliably. I just usually tap the "Map" button in the upper right hand of the search results screen and use that to select from the results as you can move around the map screen of the results and choose from there.
  15. Technically, they are saying to not upgrade until further notice. Realistically, they probably aren't going to support iOS 7 on the Appradio1 I can live with that though, I have an SPH-DA02 and iPhone 4s Jailbroken on iOS 6.1.2 and love it, thanks to you Mike. I'll stick with what I have for now and enjoy it.
  16. Awesome! Glad it got figured out. I learned something new to watch out for in future installs as well.
  17. Are you sure you have the settings on the phone set to route the audio of the call through the appradio? I had the same problem you describe when I received calls on my phone, especially if I touched the answer button on the phone and not the appradio screen. Try this: answer the call by tapping the green phone icon on the appradio screen. Once the call is answered, touch the Bluetooth icon on your phone (its where the speaker phone option usually is). Make sure that the audio out setting from your phone is set to "AppRadio" Let us know how it turns out
  18. Excellent! thanks for the reports fellas!
  19. Anyone get a chance to try out Pandora version 4.3 yet with their AppRadio? I'm a little worried with the rumors of companies getting ready to drop support for AppRadio
  20. I haven't found any issues yet running iPhone 4s/iOS 6.1.2 and SPH-DA02 firmware 4.14 I only had a chance to test out FourSquare and my Punch in Punch Out time card program and Navigon, but they all worked well. Thanks again Mike! I'm going to toss some PayPal love your way on Payday tomorrow!
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