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AVIC-MRZ99 Custom Firmware / Testmode

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sorry for posting in the wrong Subforum, but I didn't find a M-Series Subforum.

I bought a Pioneer Carrozzeria AVIC-MRZ99 on eBay.




It's a japanese Unit from an imported Car.

The Problem is, you can't change the language to english... you can't change it generally :/ 


Does anyone know if I can install another firmware to this device? 

Maybe this device was sold in EU or USA with another Name.


Hard to find some infos about it, all in japanese language :/


I tried several Testmode.key Files from this forum, but none of them worked for me.

Just get the Error Message: 




[Turn off ACC]


Any Solutions to get it work?



Thanks & sorry for my bad english

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I've translated the Japanese language strings for the MRZ99 to English. 

I figured out the format of the LNG file, dumped the Japanese, translated all the strings using google translate, then rebuilt the file.

Some of the English is not perfect but it makes the system much more usable. 


I've tested it with APP firmware version 3.070200 (installed with platform version 3.000600), other versions may not work.

If the old language file is 93627 bytes long then this will almost certainly work.


To install this, unzip the attachment mrz99english.zip and put the PF090JPJPN.LNG file on an sd card. (130905 bytes, md5sum is cb3f9cb76330704cc171e2b0acb9f6ad)

Get into testmode by holding the NAVI button (left button with Japanese writing on it) and pressing right..left..right..left..right..left and then release NAVI.


Go to the last entry on the first page (File Maintenance in Japanese) and press MENU (right button with Japanese writing on it) 

This opens the file manager which is in English and fairly obvious.


Make a backup of /USER as described elsewhere on avic411.com


Look in /USER to see if there is a file named  PRG.FLG

if there is, then the system uses /USER/PRG1, otherwise it uses /USER/PRG0


You can check the file versions by looking at  /USER/PRGx/PF090APL.HTM (where x is 0 or 1 depending on PRG.FLG)




delete  PF090JPJPN.LNG

go to /SD, copy the new PF090JPJPN.LNG and paste it into LANGDATA where the old one was.


Switch off the power and when it restarts, it should be in English....


This worked for me but obviously is not 100% safe, be very careful in the file manager.


Update: There's now an installer that also changes the background and most of the important images with japanese text.


Find it here:




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  • 2 weeks later...

I've translated the Japanese language strings for the MRZ99 to English. 

I figured out the format of the LNG file, dumped the Japanese, translated all the strings using google translate, then rebuilt the file.

Some of the English is not perfect but it makes the system much more usable. 


I've tested it with APP firmware version 3.070200 (installed with platform version 3.000600), other versions may not work.

If the old language file is 93627 bytes long then this will almost certainly work.


To install this, unzip the attachment attachicon.gifmrz99english.zip and put the PF090JPJPN.LNG file on an sd card. (130905 bytes, md5sum is cb3f9cb76330704cc171e2b0acb9f6ad)

Get into testmode by holding the NAVI button (left button with Japanese writing on it) and pressing right..left..right..left..right..left and then release NAVI.


Go to the last entry on the first page (File Maintenance in Japanese) and press MENU (right button with Japanese writing on it) 

This opens the file manager which is in English and fairly obvious.


Make a backup of /USER as described elsewhere on avic411.com


Look in /USER to see if there is a file named  PRG.FLG

if there is, then the system uses /USER/PRG1, otherwise it uses /USER/PRG0


You can check the file versions by looking at  /USER/PRGx/PF090APL.HTM (where x is 0 or 1 depending on PRG.FLG)




delete  PF090JPJPN.LNG

go to /SD, copy the new PF090JPJPN.LNG and paste it into LANGDATA where the old one was.


Switch off the power and when it restarts, it should be in English....


This worked for me but obviously is not 100% safe, be very careful in the file manager.


Update: I've edited the translation to make a few of the strings fit the buttons better.. attachicon.gifmrz99English_v2.zip (130721 bytes, md5sum  7a4c582ce37f1fbca6caf0317e121ec5)

Thx bro, how do you translate these language file? use what software to open the .lng file?

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dear dzo,


Ive done every step up to copying your translated file. however, when i go to APL--> LANGDATA--> and attempt to paste the new file to where the old one was, the paste option never functions (as in, its not selectable). 


do you know anything i can do to fix this please? 

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I've translated the Japanese language strings for the MRZ99 to English. 

I figured out the format of the LNG file, dumped the Japanese, translated all the strings using google translate, then rebuilt the file.

Some of the English is not perfect but it makes the system much more usable. 


I've tested it with APP firmware version 3.070200 (installed with platform version 3.000600), other versions may not work.

If the old language file is 93627 bytes long then this will almost certainly work.


To install this, unzip the attachment attachicon.gifmrz99english.zip and put the PF090JPJPN.LNG file on an sd card. (130905 bytes, md5sum is cb3f9cb76330704cc171e2b0acb9f6ad)

Get into testmode by holding the NAVI button (left button with Japanese writing on it) and pressing right..left..right..left..right..left and then release NAVI.


Go to the last entry on the first page (File Maintenance in Japanese) and press MENU (right button with Japanese writing on it) 

This opens the file manager which is in English and fairly obvious.


Make a backup of /USER as described elsewhere on avic411.com


Look in /USER to see if there is a file named  PRG.FLG

if there is, then the system uses /USER/PRG1, otherwise it uses /USER/PRG0


You can check the file versions by looking at  /USER/PRGx/PF090APL.HTM (where x is 0 or 1 depending on PRG.FLG)




delete  PF090JPJPN.LNG

go to /SD, copy the new PF090JPJPN.LNG and paste it into LANGDATA where the old one was.


Switch off the power and when it restarts, it should be in English....


This worked for me but obviously is not 100% safe, be very careful in the file manager.


Update: I've edited the translation to make a few of the strings fit the buttons better.. attachicon.gifmrz99English_v2.zip (130721 bytes, md5sum  7a4c582ce37f1fbca6caf0317e121ec5)


dear dzo,


Ive done every step up to copying your translated file. however, when i go to APL--> LANGDATA--> and attempt to paste the new file to where the old one was, the paste option never functions (as in, its not selectable). 


do you know anything i can do to fix this please? 

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