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Everything posted by gates59

  1. The batteries of that unit are garbage. If it works pluged in you are good. No point of buying a new battery. Same thing will happen again.
  2. Are you telling me that you have the 2010 canada maps. It does not show up on the pioneer site.
  3. 2010 is almost over and still no 2010 maps. Whats up with that. I guess buying a f500 was a bad idea. I should have kept my hand held Garmin.
  4. Thanks for the reply. I just changed the map to ta instead and all is good.
  5. You can't plan a route with that. It does not have a map you can see. I would like to add way points and follow it to my destination.
  6. Is there such a thing as software to plan my route on the computer before my trip. I liked my old garmin portable gps for that. I do not like the route it is planning for me. I tried all the different settings like fast and econo. There must be an after market software that I can just load onto my sd card. Please let me know. THNX Gates
  7. Why should Pioneer fix for free what you messed up. It is your fault. Should have read more before playing around with your system. Everywhere you read it talks about BACKUP first.
  8. I guess you tried to restore you gps with disk-rw. You messed things up. Wince can not be downgraded. If you tried to restore your gps with the old firmware and wince with disk-rw you realy messed things up. I can't help you. You will need to send to pioneer for repair.
  9. I don't mean to do it now but did you do it before trying to upgrade your firmware. Also you would not happen to be from ontario canada. Would be easyer for me to fix your gps if I had it.
  10. Now before you installed files on your gps did you install the free update from pioneer.
  11. Ok so what you are saying is that you did not do a full backup before you copied files to your gps. If so you should at least try to get your licence. Without that you have problems. Let me know. Well will go from there.
  12. First wince is not updated using testmode. Might want to read a little more. Also what folders did you copy over the first time you played around with your gps. I need to know exactly what you did to your gps after you got it.
  13. Did you install your licence and the generic licence.
  14. You copied everything as it was before. The whole myflash. Did you just copy over or delete everything first. You might want to delete everything on gps first then copy backup. If that does not work you might have to update wince to see if that works.
  15. Are you using the latest test mode 2.3. I had some problems with older versions to work after upgrade. Also just try to format sd card first before copying over testmode to it.
  16. These new maps work great here in canada. More poi's and more streets. I have also seen some fixes. The 2009.6 TA maps had a few bugs in it, here that is. Thanks so much for posting. I installed in my F500BT.
  17. Anyone from northern ontario looking for a QCGM-2 iso connector. I don't want mine never installed.
  18. Well an easy way is to get an iso cable for your make of vehicle. I just got mine today and was very dissapointed on how low the volume is on the f500bt. Paid $40 for a cable for nothing. I will try to get rid of my amp.
  19. I'm using this on my f500 and it is working great except none of my setting are being save when I shut off gps. I read something at the start of this thread. (If you are running an F500, or are using a unit in the EU, then edit the semicolons at the top of the sys.txt file before copying them over to the AVIC). I don't know what this means. Is this my problem. THNX. Gates
  20. If you don't feel comfortable editing files on your gps you will have to keep it as is. It is not hard to do thought.
  21. There is not two. The zip file is split it two. You only click on the first one. The second will extract on it's own. Not to be rude but you don't sound like someone who should be atempting playing aroung with your gps. You can realy mess it up if you don't have any computer skills. I would quit now before you mess it up.
  22. Extract the apl2 folder from the mentioned 2 zip files. Then copy the map, poi, dem and building from the other sources to this apl2 folder and then delete your apl2 folder from gps and copy over your new folder to gps. Don't forget to also include your licence. Leave other licence you see in there. When you are done you can check to see if infact the maps you downloaded are the 2009.6 maps. I don't remember where exactly I got my 2009 maps from but I remember there was 16 zip files in all. There are other sources for these as well. You should not have to modify anything in these two zip files
  23. Did you hook it up to your vehicles iso harness or did you just cut off the connections and manualy connect each wire.
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