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Everything posted by archiea

  1. Whty do so many people want to watch so much TV in their car these days? What ever happened to driving!?!
  2. that jsut gets rid of the arrow.... If you want to correct the orientation of the arrow, which is the orientation of your car, there is a menu item, I beleive under settings, thats like "adjust vehicle position" or something like that.. it allows you to correct both the position and orientation of your present location on the map.. I believe its like a global offset to correct any calibration offsets that may exist... So at first you will get a positional icon, very similar to the one used when you drag off your present location on the map. When youa re don with the positioning, yo
  3. nawh, you can;t.... but check out those iPud controls!!!!
  4. I thought about spraying my unit with a dullcoat spray, often used for model kits to reduce the gloss... not sure what the final affect would be....
  5. Thanks for the help with the iPud. I'm gonna have the instalation checkd, but I wondered if folks here have had experience troubleshooting this issue... thanks!!
  6. The data disks for the D3 are dual layered?!?!?!
  7. Nightime mode on the D3 installed in the VW EOS... Hey gang... I got the D3 installed in a VW eos and it seems that the nightime display on the map doesn't work. thre is a menu item that selects the maps display from daytime and nightime.. that doesn't seem to work either. its eternally daytime!! This may be related: I noticed at night that when I stop the car, put it in park, and engage the emergency brakes, that the settings menu is limited. Its not until I turn of the headlights that all of the items under settings are avaiable.. I thought the parking brake and having the car i
  8. Hey gang... I got the D3 installed in a VW eos and it seems that the nightime display on the map doesn't work. thre is a menu item that selects the maps display from daytime and nightime.. that doesn't seem to work either. its eternally daytime!! This may be related: I noticed at night that when I stop the car, put it in park, and engage the emergency brakes, that the settings menu is limited. Its not until I turn of the headlights that all of the items under settings are avaiable.. I thought the parking brake and having the car in park was enough!!! On an unrelated issue, I
  9. I hear that with college students, their parents house turns up when they do a search for a bank, too!!!
  10. I was on the fence regarding this for a while. I heard consistantly good things about the kenwood's navigation while hearing consistantly mediocre things about the nav in the pioneer. The SD ememory was another plus regarding the DVD swap. However... Reviewing how I planned to use such a device, here's was my criteria: 1) I have no steering controls for the radio, so having a physical dial for the volume (as in the D3) vs molded buttons or touchscreen was a plus. 2) I was planning on using the ipod 99% of the time vs the CD, so the DVD swapping became moot, while the numbero
  11. Well thats lame. .... I;d hate having to pay for HBO to watch lewd and racey humor only to have HBO then later change the content. Its like having Ali G apologize... for being ali G.... Isn't XM paid subscriptions or do they have advertizers?
  12. CRAP!!! on that alone I was quoted... $255!!! Geez!
  13. Jordan, do you think that they needed the caN BUS CONVERTER BECAUSE WE WERE INSTALLING THE SONY AMP AND HERTZSPEAKERS? Sorry fo caps... too lazy to retype.... ;D BTw, what do the can bus converters do? I didn't need any can bus converter for my 07 GTI. I know which one you're talking about, but the install, including the bypass, was done without any specialty converters. As far as your previous question about alpines, when you hear them side by side with Infinity reference series speakers, they sound a bit harsher to me personally. But I also have a friend who works
  14. Jordan, do you think that they needed the caN BUS CONVERTER BECAUSE WE WERE INSTALLING THE SONY AMP AND HERTZSPEAKERS? Sorry fo caps... too lazy to retype.... ;D BTw, what do the can bus converters do? I didn't need any can bus converter for my 07 GTI. I know which one you're talking about, but the install, including the bypass, was done without any specialty converters. As far as your previous question about alpines, when you hear them side by side with Infinity reference series speakers, they sound a bit harsher to me personally. But I also have a friend who works
  15. djczar, is the instalation kit similar in the vw EOS? the dash looks the same...
  16. Yeah, I'm not sure why I'm being so chicken shit about this...Probably because its a new car. Meanwhile, I've ripped apart PC's and laptops, sometimes while they still had that new computer smell, to install components that I wanted...
  17. I own an Eos and I know for a fact you have plenty space for any size amp under the front passenger seat. This is true if don't have power seats. Hope this helps. Yeah, I know, But I was planning on installing one of these under the passenger seat... http://oempl.us/product_info.php?cPath= ... 9124c6b302 BTW, what stereo do you have in you Eos?
  18. bty jordan whats the Can bus convertors installation kit that theyw ere talking about for the Avic D3? Did you need anything ike that for your GTI? since they are both VW, I thought the install should be the same...
  19. Jordan, I can't thank you enough.... regarding the amp and speaker... I had requested a softer sound, as opposed to the harsher sound from the speakers that come with hard tweaters. So the Hertz was recommended along with the Sony because of the softer sound quality issue. make sense? How are alpines.. subjectively speaking... softer or harsh and crisp?
  20. well the car is small, so I am limited by size as to which amp...
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