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Avoid the F700 at all costs... really

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Man there are a lot of fanboys on this site... of course, this is an AVIC site... :D


My objective was simple: Make it so that anyone doing research on a radio would know that the F700BT will likely not be the bargain they were looking for. Pioneer made a terrible product. Simple as that.


WilliamG, since you apparently didn't read all of my post, i clearly said: "I have done all the upgrades on the unit." ...and then you go on to admit that I'm right... so, really, stfu.


thomashohl, thanks for the backup! I am sure intelligent readers will be able to sort the meaningful posts from the moronic "Pioneer RULES, you SUCK!" posts.



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Man there are a lot of fanboys on this site... of course, this is an AVIC site... :D


My objective was simple: Make it so that anyone doing research on a radio would know that the F700BT will likely not be the bargain they were looking for. Pioneer made a terrible product. Simple as that.


WilliamG, since you apparently didn't read all of my post, i clearly said: "I have done all the upgrades on the unit." ...and then you go on to admit that I'm right... so, really, stfu.


thomashohl, thanks for the backup! I am sure intelligent readers will be able to sort the meaningful posts from the moronic "Pioneer RULES, you SUCK!" posts.






You really are a troll. There is such a thing as expressing your opinion without coming across as a total cretin. Congratulations on getting someone to install your firmware update for you. 15 years of experience clearly has taken you to a level I can never hope to attain. Now I'll go back to enjoying my working F700BT. But I must be kidding myself, right?

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You really are starting to sound like a troll, how does your last couple posts make you any different than the "moronic" "fanboys"? (yes, other than the opposite I know).


I really like my system but I fully admit it still needs a lot of work. I didn't really read your first post either after the first part since it completely discredits you. If yours doesn't play music for 2 minutes after it starts up you're either a liar or have a defective system. Yes it could still boot up quite a bit faster but come on...

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Sorry, mtbjoe, Let me sum that up: "I didn't read your post, but I think you're a troll anyway." You make such a powerful a persuasive argument that I am STUNNED into silence!


Go get some cookies. It's your bedtime soon... and I am sorry to be the one to drop this on you guys, but trolls don't really exist. Since I am not off-topic, I can only assume that's what you mean. Call me insulting, arrogant, or even a philistine, but resorting to mythical creatures... well, lets just say that my credibility is not what suffers.

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Why would I need to keep reading when you're first "impression" is a flat out lie? As I mentioned you lost all credibility so why waste any more of my time reading the rest?


And talk about not reading stuff I clearly mentioned your last couple of posts make you sound like a troll not the first one, that just makes you a liar.

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Sure it does. I LOVE making up pages of inaccurate information.


It's all true, and it's not a defective unit. If you read the post, it can be up to 2 minutes before full functionality is online, which includes bluetooth. After the last update (2.0) it now plays music in about 1 minute... 50 or so seconds to be exact. That's still WAY too long given competing devices.


Now, you're welcome to discuss with me the details of my post. However, since a "troll" is someone who goes off topic or tries to get all personal/aggresive, I think you're the only one between us that qualifies. Do you want to resort to more name-calling or are you done with your tantrum?

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What part of "I" don't you understand? I installed it. Me. Not someone else, not you, not aunt Jemima.


And my F700BT works. It's just that it sucks when it works. I guess you just prefer that... more power to you.


Here's a quote:


"He does some research and finds a firmware upgrade. I will give him credit though, he actually got a competing stereo store to install the upgrade for me (they already had it on an SD card). "


So let's recap. HE did the research. HE got a COMPETING stereo store (like we care) to install the upgrade FOR YOU.


So that was all him. Not you. Not Aunt Jemima.


So you come on here and rant with all your years' experience, and yet you still weren't capable of figuring out if there was a firmware upgrade or not. I'm just guessing your stereo isn't installed correctly, configured properly, or you're about as capable of running your F700BT as you are understanding whether you or someone else installed your firmware upgrade.

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Here's a quote:


"He does some research and finds a firmware upgrade. I will give him credit though, he actually got a competing stereo store to install the upgrade for me (they already had it on an SD card). "


So let's recap. HE did the research. HE got a COMPETING stereo store (like we care) to install the upgrade FOR YOU.


So that was all him, not you or Aunt Jemima. So you come on here and rant with all your years' experience, and yet you still weren't capable of figuring out if there was a firmware upgrade or not. I'm just guessing your stereo isn't configured properly, or you're about as capable of running your F700BT as you are understanding whether you or someone else installed your firmware upgrade.




The initial upgrade was done at the shop in August. If you do a little research, you'll see that the last one was done at the end of October. I have kept the unit current... but who is doing it doesn't matter anyway.


Go ahead and argue about someone's credentials. Go ahead and make this some kind of argument about me, the end-user. The fact is that the F700BT is barely capable of bringing its features to use. This fact is substantiated by other users in this and other forums. Even the people who don't agree that it is a bad product will simultaneously admit that is has the faults that I pointed out. Its just that they decide they can overlook the faults and call the unit "good."


Be objective, FFS!

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It is true that on initial release these units were horrible. They were as bad as you say your unit currently is. The fact is that either your unit is not updated, defective, or your grossly exaggerating. This unit does still have some flakiness but not nearly as you describe. What makes this post so offensive is that you appear to be exaggerating in order to justify to yourself about being dissatisfied. On top of that you are lobbing insults at people hear which is not acceptable. Do yourself a favor, you already made your point so please reframe from further comment.

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It is true that on initial release these units were horrible. They were as bad as you say your unit currently is. The fact is that either your unit is not updated, defective, or your grossly exaggerating. This unit does still have some flakiness but not nearly as you describe. What makes this post so offensive is that you appear to be exaggerating in order to justify to yourself about being dissatisfied. On top of that you are lobbing insults at people hear which is not acceptable. Do yourself a favor, you already made your point so please reframe from further comment.


Wise words, Blue. Couldn't have been said any more polite, yet so direct.

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FWIW, it seems to me that you do have valid complaints about your unit. I only have a couple of comments.


1. I haven't had the issue of Bluetooth terminating my call that you describe. This is with a Motorola Z9, and pretty much every day I'll be in the middle of a call and turn my car on. The handover to my F700BT is perfect. Same thing with turning off the car. I don't get that 5-10 second pause that you describe when making a call, nor do I get the map caching problem that you describe.


2. For me, going from off to FM/AM radio is about 8 seconds. Going from off to iPod is about 35 seconds. I can live with that. Others may not. I don't use the SD card for music playback.


3. Maps draw fast enough for me. Just keep in mind, one person's "ridiculously slow" is another's "good enough for me".


4. I think that Windows and its variants always has been a big steaming pile of poo. Nonetheless, the software in this unit works well for me.


Just out of curiosity, how long does it take your brother's Magellan to acquire the GPS satellite signal when you first turn the unit on?

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i found this deck underpowered. was playing a video podcast (hak5) of the sd while the phone rang. i was unable to answer the phone. the deck completely hung. no matter what button i pressed nada. then after 2 miles further he it changed some screens.


about the replies on this forum... biased very aggressive and childish. but he it's difficult to admit that this deck isn't good to do the thing pioneer wrote on the box.

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