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Avoid the F700 at all costs... really

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It's funny to me that say, 30 years ago, this guy would have bought what he feels is a crappy product and could only go down to his local pub and whine to his friends and neighbors about it.


Now he gets to posture and huff to thousands and thousands of people across the country with his attention-whore rants.


Here's a tip. Research a product you want to buy very well. Follow directions when you use it. If it breaks, or you are unhappy with it - return it according to the stores/manufacturers rules. This course of action should serve most consumers well on any reasonably accepted transaction.


There of course are always exceptions to the rule; like say, it was purchased off eBay to save on a reasonable cost, or it was modded outside of what the manufacturer says it should - but by and large, electronic devices such as the AVICs work the way they should or companies like Pioneer wouldn't stay in business very long.


Don't like the unit, get another and worry about sh*t that is really important in life instead of endlessly carping about it to an audience that is more often than not HAPPY they purchased it and is pleased with the performance.

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I have waited a few days to add to this post. I was laughing my ass off reading your description because it is RIGHT ON THE MONEY!!!


The only issue I have not had is with the SD card playback. I use all WMA and it works like a champ. Well, the random play sucks but that is my only gripe.


I have a couple of additional issues that bug the crap out of me. One is when you turn the nav voice all the way down, it still cuts out the music for a split second when it was going to say something. In fact the fact there is not a button to completely disable the voices (and not make the music cut out) and another button that disables the annoying beeps for the ENTIRE UINT. Instead we had to put blank wav files in the place of the stock sounds.


ALL THAT ASIDE. Let me tell you why I purchased the F700 and I am not sorry I did.


You touched on it in your post and may of not realized it. LOOK AT ALL THE STUFF IT DOES! It has the most features of any unit on the market today, and does NONE of them well.


However, it is a software driven unit. So this means that it has potential. Look at what has been done on this site. The possibilities are unlimited!


Is this the unit for the "take it out of the box and use it as is?" Maybe not. But it is a quality piece of hardware with some primitive software running it.


I personally like Windows CE. It is a rock solid thin client. BMW choose it for iDrive so if BMW can put it in $100,000 7 serries then I think it is quite fine for our $500 Pioneer F series.


I am ok with Pioneer releasing the units like they did. It allows for us to give feedback for where we would like the uints to go and also allows programmers on forums like this to create alternatives to the factory software.


My previous system was Kenwood. I spent $3000 on the three pieces that made it up. (DDX7015, KNA-DV4100 and a 20GB music keg) It was an awsome navigation, very awsome MP3 player, matched with a crappy head unit.


So if you look at the $579 I spent on the F700, I think it is a pretty good deal.

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haha, wow. This was one hell of a flame war. Has to top the charts for worst ever.


I am not quite sure if it was the unit was so bad upon initial release the issues now are just so mild in compairson they don't exist for me, or the unit really si good now.


I don't use the sd card, cd player so I can't comment on the buggyness or functionality of those. However, blue tooth with iphone 3g, voice recognition, navigation and ipod control all work fine for me. My one compalint is the quiet blue tooth mic pickup but other then that im pretty happy now.


I would say your unit was defective and was slowly dying with memory read write errors, which uh, happens with computers espcially when its in a constant hot/cold envirment like that.


My unit has had zero crashes on me since I updated the unit, I remember thsoe out of memory errors when looking up poi's.


Boot up is reasonable now, 30 seconds to interface is a lot better then teh 1 minute plus before.


So, yeah, am I a fanboy will I defend this thing to the death? No, but it does deserve credt, its come a long way since june an it deserves that much.

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