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About bassilap

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  1. You need to find the password to unlock it, then get linux with a patched kernel that can initialize locked SD cards. Then unlock it with said password.
  2. Thats the old password. It doesn't work anymore. **correction, that password doesn't work on some models anymore There is no way to do this on windows or any sort of VM. You need Linux with a patched kernel that allows you to execute a special command called CMD42 that locks and unlocks and can erase SD cards. You also need the right hardware. You have to have a built-in SD card reader that connects to your motherboard via a PCI bridge, not USB bridge. Thats why a USB adapter won't work.
  3. I bought one a bit ago that came on a SanDisk card and it's been solid.
  4. Yes. So if you flashed but didn't yet put it into the radio, the diskpart commands and videos linked would work. If you already put it into the radio, IR has been locked by CMD42. To unlock it, you need to have a Linux kernel patched to run CMD42 (https://media-www.micron.com/-/media/client/global/documents/products/technical-note/sd-cards/tnsd01_enable_sd_lock_unlock_in_linux.pdf?rev=03f03a6bc0f8435fafa93a8fc8e88988) Not a trivial task to get this working.
  5. Mine says 1.06. But I purchased from a different seller than the link @DD36 posted. I'll see if I can get the checksums to compare.
  6. That was one thought but I don't think that's the case. My 4500 failed and i real-programmed the same SD card (took countless hours to figure out how to even make the card visible in a computer). And then it still had bootloop issues after reprogramming. So I think the flash memory just starts to fail. The other issue, even if it was a storage space issue is that simply putting it into a larger SD card doesn't mean there's more "usable" space available. The partitions from the image (specificially the partition where logs are stored) would need to be enlarged as well.
  7. Also posted this on the backups thread. Looks like there are some eBay sellers selling OEM SD cards for w4500nex. Cheaper than pacparts...if links aren't allowed, please delete. But can eBay search "OEM AVH-w4500NEX" https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=oem+avh-w4500nex
  8. Looks like there are some eBay sellers selling OEM SD cards for w4500nex. Cheaper than pacparts...if links aren't allowed, please delete. But can eBay search "OEM AVH-w4500NEX" https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=oem+avh-w4500nex
  9. Updated! https://mega.nz/folder/AI9RxZjZ#jAXMB8e-8tPlBF5s5VUvBQ
  10. Here you go: https://mega.nz/folder/AI9RxZjZ#jAXMB8e-8tPlBF5s5VUvBQ yes, but you have to factory reset your radio and delete the bluetooth lairing from your phone
  11. 4500 image here made using the info from the software error 4500 thread. Link to Image
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