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AVIC-MRZ99 Custom Firmware / Testmode

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On 11/5/2019 at 1:44 AM, kjaved8 said:

I have AVIC-MRZ77 from an imported car from Japan. When I first turned it on it was showing all the options like DVD/USB/SD etc. But after few runs now I can see only FM/AM/TV/BT options.. It is not showing DVD/USB/SD options. I checked all the system settings by google translating but unfortunately I could not find setting related to this. Also in TestMode it also does not show SD or USB contents. So I also cannot change language by copying files.  Any one knows how to solve this issue when SD and USB are not working? 

you need to insert a sd card or a thumb drive before it shows up. I have a avic mrz06 

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5 hours ago, Spaznuski said:

Hey, I have the same model - RZ-05 with the same file structure. I cannot see a USER folder as all the examples are suggesting. When using the SD card and starting up I get CAUTION! TEST MODE FAILED STARTING!  [Turn off ACC].

Not sure if I am doing something wrong any suggestions.



For RZ05 translation you need to take out the FW, and use my GitHub project to prepare modified FW: https://github.com/Shtirlitz/RZ09

Good luck)

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18 hours ago, Shtirlitz said:


For RZ05 translation you need to take out the FW, and use my GitHub project to prepare modified FW: https://github.com/Shtirlitz/RZ09

Good luck)

Thank you for the reply, I managed to "take out the FW" not seeing a initDB.dat file though. I will go through the RZ05 again to see if I missed anything. But the reply has given me some hope so now I go searching for the initDB.dat to run your script on.


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On 07.11.2019 at 19:02, Shtirlitz said:


Добрый день земляк! С языками не силен... по этому буду благодарен за науку на русском.

имею avic-hrz099 чистокровный японец. хотел бы так же облагородить меню на английском языке.

могу попросить ссылки на порядок действий и ПО по обновлению языка?

заранее благодарен!

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On 08.11.2019 at 3:09 AM, Spaznuski said:

Thank you for the reply, I managed to "take out the FW" not seeing a initDB.dat file though. I will go through the RZ05 again to see if I missed anything. But the reply has given me some hope so now I go searching for the initDB.dat to run your script on.



OK, here is the step-by-step manual:

Step 1: Take out the FW, see here

Step 2: Get the file named "PS140PLT.PRG". For RZ09 it is in folder NAVIVUP\AVICRZ09\PLATFORM\

Cut out 0x200 bytes from the start of the file: its header. I used the SFK-tool:

sfk195x64.exe partcopy PS140PLT.PRG -allfrom 0x200 output.nb0 -yes

When you need to extract file output.nb0 by the dumpromx.exe tool (easy to find it on this forum):

mkdir DUMP
dumpromx.exe -d DUMP -v -5 output.nb0 >output.txt

As a result, you'll get a lot of FW files, and initDB.dat of course :)

Step 3: Patch initDB.dat file.

Use my sources, take translate.c and translation.txt, and see the code:

const long OFFSET = 0x18C8D0L;   // RZ09 1.04 0x18C8D0L; RZ77 2.07 = 0x1EA87CL
const long BLOCK_LEN = 0xAF00BL; // RZ09 1.04  0xAF00BL; RZ77 2.07 =  0xB5CDFL

These constants define the start and length-1 of the data block inside of the initDB.dat, correct it according to your header.

Address stores in the little-endian bytes sequence:


Go to the start of this data block offset:



You can see the start of the Japanese strings data, its in UCS-2 LE codepage.

The end of the data block at the end of the initDB.dat file:


The address of the last data byte is 0x23B8DB. Use the calc for calculating the length-1 and insert it to translate.c source, and compile it.

While running, the translate.exe search for initDB.dat and translation.txt in the current folder.

After finishing the output file initDB_out.dat will be created.

Step 4: Assemble the updated FW.

Get makever.c and compile it. You can change the version if you need it, the current FW version in the PS140PLT.VER file.


Replace initDB.dat in the FW by commands:

copy /Y initDB_out.dat initDB.dat
dumpromx.exe -a initDB.dat fw_104_src.nb0

You need to get the correct output, like this:

img 00000000 : hdr=8d908c88 base=88471000  commandlineoffset=88471000
ERROR: could not find pointer for ofs 00000000
Successful file initDB.dat inserting
initDB.dat.nb saved successfully

If it OK, run the makever.exe by commands:

del /Q fw_104.nb0
ren initDB.dat.nb fw_104.nb0

It creates the folders (NAVIVUP) and files for the AVIC's FW update.

Step 5: Just place folder NAVIVUP on the SD and try to update your AVIC in a test mode.

Use "Program forced write" menu and "Platform write" command, SD as a source.

On Internal SD stayed the original Japanese FW if you want back to it.

And be careful, do not power off the AVIC during updating, it can be bricked (or boot looped)!!!

Good luck)

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On 21.11.2019 at 9:16 AM, mattmoo138 said:

Hi Guys i have purchased a volvo xc90 with a AVIC-HRV22... I cannot even find a way of getting into the test mode, im not even sure this has usb.. has anyone any idea if its possible to update the language files?

Судя по описалову в интернете, у тебя блок ДВД + монитор. Я, конечно, не спец, но предположу, что твоя система далеко не на Windows Mobile или чем-то похожем.
Как мне кажется, у нее нет ничего похожего на testmode.


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3 hours ago, Alex75rus said:

How did you solve the problem?

Try turning on Bluetooth first and then try changing the password.
I have RZ-77, and while bluetooth is off, all settings are inactive.

Попробуй сначала включить Bluetooth и уже потом пробуй сменить пароль.
У меня RZ-77, и пока выключен bluetooth, все настройки неактивны.

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22 hours ago, Alex75rus said:

How did you solve the problem?

At first, select the Japanese mobile operator: docomo, au, SoftBank.

Сначала  надо выбрать японского оператора : docomo, au, SoftBank.  Тогда  блюпуп должен очнуться.

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On 4/10/2019 at 2:47 PM, EnoKt said:

Hi @dzo,

Your contribution is appreciated always. I jump boosted a battery to start my car  The AVIC MRZ09 shows the characters in Japanese shown below, translated  ''there is no program'' with number 7 at the bottom right of screen. The USER/DIŔ shows no content  Any help to revive this unit? I have original USER content backup and the English one from your previous posts. . I tried copying and  pasting the backups to the USER folder but nothing happens or shows up.  The Unit copies and pastes to any other media like FLASH DISC OR SD but does not paste in USER folder.. Any help  to revive it.? 


Greetings, I have my avic mrz09 displaying the above screen of not loading programs and number 6 at the bottom any help on how to fix it. Regards

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