bass_rock Posted August 10, 2015 Report Share Posted August 10, 2015 Introduction WhatIsBypass, AdamOutler and myself presentThe AVIC Development ModWe have eliminated the barriers to development on all AVIC units including Android Auto. You can now create your own ROM on an SDCard and boot directly into it. We've broken all the security and obfuscations, and we've delivered it to you in a nice, easy-to-use web user interface. This has essentially turned the Pioneer line of units into Nexus devices, that boot off SD Cards.We now have the ability to change the NEX BSP Settings which allow us to unlock the SD Card and change the boot settings that are in the Pioneer NEX. We are asking all ROM developers with a NEX step and help us create our own ROM to run on all versions on the NEX System.With the help of all you we can begin to add USB Wifi Drivers, a custom app launcher, the play store, interface skins, more radio presets, radio station data augmented by the internet, Android Auto, iDatalink Gauges, and much more only limited by what we can develop. NEVER ENTER COPY DEVICE MODE, YOU WILL BRICK YOUR DEVICE! It is fixable though but a pain as described by WhatIsWhat OverviewHere's a quick overview of what we will do in this post.Overview Steps:1. Backup your current BSP and Nor Flash2. Backup your current internal SD Card, or obtain a backup SD Card Image.3. Navigate to and select the options you want4. Remember your build number and download your package.5. Extract to USB stick6. Put it into USB Port 17. Run Script.8. If you removed the SD Card password you need to insert a new internal SD Card with a backup image.9. Done!How ToLet's talk about the details, now.Run Copy Script Mode: 1. Insert the USB Stick to USB Port 1 on the device.2. Start the deck, it will then reboot into Technical TestMode. You must use the keys to navigate the menus. BE VERY CAREFUL AS SOME OPTIONS CAN BRICK YOUR UNIT. 3. Use the Vol - button to navigate to "Write Programs Forcibly" 4. Press the Home Button to select this menu 5. Use the Vol - button to navigate to "Copy Script" 6. Press the Home Button to select this menu7. Take note of the Values on the right hand side of the screen, THESE WILL BE ERASED. (It is currently unknown if these will be needed in the future). If you really want to keep these values though, you can write them down and place them in the corresponding SDCardCWWVersion.txt before you continue. 8. Press the Home Button to run the script.9. After it says 100% press the Home Button to reset the unit and remove the USB stick. Full Steps to get to a development state:1. Backup your current BSP and Nor Flash. See for this.2. Backup your Internal SD Card (Skip to 3 if you have an unlocked image you want to use) See for this. 3.Install a Customized BSPA. Navigate to Select the options that you want to enable. The currently known defaults are already selected. For development select debugSwitch: Debug On Console On, subBootMode: Disable Warp, choicePassword: Remove the PasswordC. Click Build and note the build number that was started on the left.D. Navigate to where INSERT_BUILD_NUMBER_HERE is your build number.E. Click the (all files in zip)F. Extract the contents of the download to a USB Stick. (FAT32 or NTFS)G. Follow the "Copy Script Mode" steps.H. The unit when it reboots should error out because you removed the SD Card Password lock.4. Insert an Unlocked Internal SD Card ImageA. dd the AVIC.img you backed up to an SD Card of the appropriate size.B. Insert the new SD Card into the Internal SD Card slot.C. Start up the unit. NOTE: It will take a bit for the device to boot since you have disabled WARP above.5. Congrats!!!! You can now remove the internal SD Card at will and modify the items in the partition and put it back into the Deck. Good luck on your Custom Rom Development and be sure to share your creations!! What we are now asking of the ROM Community: 1. Help us by developing custom roms using the steps above and sharing your creations.2. Once we have a custom rom we want to share easily, we will get to the steps where we start Creating a new WARP snapshot, and recompiling them back into PRG Update Files.3. Find a way to enable ADB, One option would be to add a Network Bluetooth Profile, Another option is figuring out USB OTG properly.4. Lets create an app launcher.5. Figure out how to modify the maps.6. Figure out Android Auto/Bluetooth Audio on older models with the new software.Additional ReadingRepo of the PRG recompile and TestMode Scripts: 5100 Sources: 5000 Sources: Update 8/13/15: ​We have found a new Developer debug mode that can be discussed and spend by following the steps here: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
bass_rock Posted August 10, 2015 Author Report Share Posted August 10, 2015 Below are some development notes that we have taken: Links to source code for 60-series and x000-series: 70-series and x100-series: code links contains pioneer's modified sources of U-Boot. This contains most useful code, for example:uboot_imx/src/common/cmd_bootconfigs.c - bsp logic: configuration, initialization and settings, including command-line interface (U-Boot cmd line), also this file contains description of BSP struct in NOR memoryuboot_imx/src/common/cmd_model.c - pioneer's device model logic: configuration, initialization, reading from nor and model structure descriptionuboot_imx/src/drivers/mmc/mmc.c - internal SD card mmc logic: password initialization, password setting code (for new sd cards), password checkinguboot_imx/src/common/main.c - contais main function called during startup: device initialization, checking and executing BSP startup options, logic for fallback to easyrecovery if sd card init failed, warp logic (clear, use, normal), kernel debug logic==============Nor RegionsDevice's NOR flash memory (8 MB) mapped to three different devices: /dev/mtd/mtd0 /dev/mtd/mtd1 /dev/mtd/mtd2 mtd0 flash region map: Address Size 0x000000, 0x0FFE00 // bootloader code 0x0FFE00, 0x000200 // looks like bootloader 512-byte header from fimrware PRG file 0x100000, 0x010000 // model info side A 0x110000, 0x010000 // model info side B 0x120000, 0x010000 // part of opening data PRG file header 0x130000, 0x120000 // opening data 0x250000, 0x010000 // bsp side a 0x260000, 0x010000 // bsp side b mtd1 contains unknown data (mostly 0xFF's)mtd2 contains EasyRecovery image (linux kernel + additional files + EasyRecovery executable + android toolbox)==============NOR reflashingTo write to NOR memory you can use simple dd command, for example: dd if=/mnt/udisk/new.img of=/dev/block/mtdblock0 seek=2424832 count=84 bs=1 but before you can write you must erase NOR flash region using ioctl command: /system/bin/ioctl -l 8 -a 4 /dev/mtd/mtd0 1074285826 2424832 65536 Where 2424832 is start address, 65536 is memory erase block size. Looks like both this values must be multiple of 0x10000 (Address is aligned to 0x10000 boundary, size is multiple of 0x10000), at least original firmware uses this alignment.=============U-Boot initAt startup U-Boot checks availability (valid signature and valid crc32 checksum) of both sides of BSP.If Side A is invalid, U-Boot copies Side B to Side A. If Side B is invalid, U-Boot copes Side A to Side B.If both sides is invalid, U-Boot creates default BSP (W/O password) and writes this BSP to both sides.After this main function tries to initialize sd card and set password. If initialization of sd card (or password) is failed, U-Boot enters EasyRecovery stage.During SD card initialization U-Boot tries to unlock SD card with password stored in BSP. If SD card isn't password locked, U-Boot sets (locks) SD card with password from BSP.If password contains 16 '*' chars or 16 0xFF chars then U-Boot does not use password at all and does not tries to set password on unlocked sd card.So to use SDCard w/o password you need to remove password from BSP (fill with *) and after this insert new unlocked SD card into device.=============U-Boot startAfter initialization, U-Boot reads BSP startup information and tries to boot using BSP settings.If debug option is specified, U-Boot sets debug environment variables (console_kernel, console_android, printk.time, printk.console)For normal boot (ulbootmode var = NORMAL) it is possible to specify WARP setting (ulsubbootmode setting: do not use WARP, use WARP, clear WARP cache). WARP can boot from two sides (a/b, ulwarpboot variable) Also, ulbootimageflag is used to specify normal kernel side ( A or B ) which used to boot system.For recovery boot (ulbootmode var = RECVOERY_BOOT, yes, exactly RECVOERY) ulrecoveryimageflag contains info wich side (A or B from two sides on SD card) is use to boot recovery kernel.For all other modes there is fallback to EasyRecovery boot. U-Boot setups debugging environment variables for kernel and android and boots up EasyRecovery image from NOR flashIf something wrong occures, U-Boot tries to start EasyRecovery kernel from NOR flash.=============BSP struct BSP is 84-byte structure containing signature (A5 5A 5A A5, used for struct validation), 76 bytes of data and 4 bytes of CRC32 field.CRC32 field can be calculated using following PHP code: $file = file_get_contents("bsp_block_wo_crc"); // must be 80 bytes length $file_original_with_crc32 = $file . pack("V", crc32($file)); file_put_contents("bsp_block_with_crc_original_from_php", $file_original_with_crc32); // 84 bytes BSP fields: struct bsp_data_info { ulong ulSignature; // 0 ulong ulbootmode; // 4 ulong ullaunchmode; // 8 ulong ultestsubmode; // 12 ulong ulbootimageflag; // 16 ulong ulrecoveryimageflag; // 20 ulong uldebugswitch; // 24 ulong ulusbotgswitch; // 28 ulong ulmemchkflag; // 32 ulong ulwarpboot; // 36 ulong ulsubbootmode; // 40 ulong ulupdateflag; // 44 ulong ulupdatesubflag; // 48 char passwd[MMC_SET_PASSWD_MAX_LEN]; // 52 ulong uluiupdateflag; // 68 ulong ulreserved1; // 72 ulong ulreserved2; // 74 ulong ulcrc32; // 80 }; All fields are unsigned 32-bit integers (4 bytes, except password) and stored in Little-endian form. So value 0x12345678 is storead as 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12 (order of bytes is reversed)Real-world BSP structure example: A5 5A 5A A5 // ulSignature; // 0 // 00 00 00 00 // ulbootmode; // 4 // normal boot 00 00 00 00 // ullaunchmode; // 8 // APL 00 00 00 00 // ultestsubmode; // 12 // TestMode.apk 00 00 00 00 // ulbootimageflag; // 16 // side a 00 00 00 00 // ulrecoveryimageflag; // 20 // side a 00 00 00 00 // uldebugswitch; // 24 // debugging disabled 00 00 00 00 // ulusbotgswitch; // 28 // usb otg disabled 00 00 00 00 // ulmemchkflag; // 32 // do not check memory at startup 00 00 00 00 // ulwarpboot; // 36 // warp boot side A 02 00 00 00 // ulsubbootmode; // 40 // enable warp boot 00 00 00 00 // ulupdateflag; // 44 // recovery-update 02 00 00 00 // ulupdatesubflag; // 48 // USB2 4C 4B 50 46 65 44 34 42 63 56 7A 45 53 52 32 59 // password: LKPFeD4BcVzESR2Y 00 00 00 00 // uluiupdateflag; // 68 // non-updating FF FF FF FF // ulreserved1; // 72 FF FF FF FF // ulreserved2; // 74 96 8D 6E 12 // ulcrc32; // 80 crc32 of all previous data including signature =============Model info struct:struct model_data_info { ulong ul_Signature; char c_serialnum[4]; // model serial number (available in product information testmode menu as two last groups of digits char c_reserve1[12]; char c_serialnumccks[4]; char c_reserve2[12]; char c_productnum[2]; // product number (available in product information testmode menu as first group of digits) char c_reserve3[14]; char c_productnumcks[2]; char c_reserve4[14]; char c_productdate[2]; // model year stored in BCD encoding (available in product information testmode menu as second group of digits) char c_reserve5[14]; char c_productdatecks[2]; char c_reserve6[14]; char c_reserve7[160]; char c_cwwinfo[16]; // NOR memory factory code (contains CWW7906- for AVIC F960BT and AVIC F960DAB), this string is also available on NOR flash memory chip body on daughter PCB char c_reserve8[240]; ulong ul_checksum; } __attribute__ ((packed)); All this values (except CWW Info) is freely available for edit in testmode menu Write Product Information (manual). Changing device serial number isn't affected iGo (iGo still working as expected after serial number change)=============iGo device IDsiGo device id contains three strings, ',' delimeted. For example: 2c9b382df1de42c0,744A45534443202010300012DC00DC00,74300012DC Where 2c9b382df1de42c0 is android_id setting ( this setting is the same for different devices of same model. For example, both F960BT and F960DAB contains 2bd9ce6e1af1bc81 device id. For 8100NEX device id is 7d15307dcf66e17c. Also this ID can be freely modified.744A45534443202010300012DC00DC00 is sd card id (format isn't yet known but I belive it based only on sd card info).This id contains following groups of digits (I hope someone can help us decipher java (smali) code of sdcard id data acquisition): 0123456789012345 67 89012345 67 8901 << positions 744A455344432020 02 020007D6 00 E800 << 8100NEX 744A455344432020 10 300012DC 00 DC00 << 5000NEX First group is "tJESDC " in text and unchanged, second group is unknown, third group looks like sd serial and unique for different (not cloned) devices, last two groups is unknownThird part of iGo device id contains first two chars of second group and third part of second group, so for ID744A45534443202010300012DC00DC00 third part will be 74300012DCAlso, iGo works great on cloned devices, so licensing information (data for device identification) and so on is exists only on sd card. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
bass_rock Posted August 10, 2015 Author Report Share Posted August 10, 2015 FAQsWhat does this mean?1. WARP can be disabled2. Internal SD Password Lock can be removed (Requires a new sd card afterward)3. Debug can be enabled.4. We can modify the Internal SD Card by inserting it into the computer with the above turned on.5. Custom ROM development can truly begin.What the heck is warp? A: It's the hibernate function.  At the factory, they hibernate the device and every time it turns on it uses this information. This prevents us from loading custom firmware because the deck chooses this memory loaded information over the filesystem changes that we create.What is the BSP? A: The BSP is a special are in the NOR Memory (different from the SD Card), where U-Boot, EasyRecovery and all the low-level U-Boot settings are located. It is 84 bytes in size and has two copies in case one fails.What is NOR Memory? A: The NOR Memory is an area separate of the SD Card that contains, boot settings, recovery partitions and the boot loader.Why do we need to remove the SD Card Password? A: The Pioneer dev's decided to put a hardcoded password lock onto the Internal System SD Card that prevents you from just putting it into your computer. By removing it we allow the ability to remove the internal SD and to put it into any computer to modify the Platform files, without having to run an Update.What is the SD Card password? A: LKPFeD4BcVzESR2YCan't we just unlock the password on a computer and not change the BSP? A: Yes, and no. In order to unlock the SD card you need to have the ability to run CMD42 on the SDCard which most linux distributions and os’s do not have.What is Debug mode? A: The Debug mode outputs more logs and turns on a console port somewhere on the device. We still do not know where that is. NOTE: It is most likely possible to patch the kernel to use the iDataLink port as a UART console for ADB. What are the device paths if I want to change the backup or restore locations? A: /mnt/udisk/ for USB1 /mnt/udisk1/ for USB2 /sdcard/ for external sdcard What is the Partition Map look like? A: For a 8GB internal SD Card (AVIC 5000) it looks like this: Disk /dev/mmcblk1: 8069MB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: msdos Number Start End Size Type File system MY Findings: 1 538MB 548MB 10.5MB primary android boot A BOOT/BOT.PRG 2 548MB 559MB 10.5MB primary android boot B 3 559MB 1830MB 1271MB extended 5 559MB 590MB 31.5MB logical android recovery A RECOVERY/REC.PRG 6 590MB 622MB 31.5MB logical android recovery B RECOVERYEASY/ERY.PRG ? 7 622MB 1159MB 537MB logical ext4 /system PLATFORM/PLT.PRG 8 1159MB 1293MB 134MB logical ext4 /cache 9 1293MB 1830MB 537MB logical ext4 /data USERDATA/DAT.PRG 4 1830MB 7702MB 5872MB primary ext4 /extdata How can I unlock my SD Card? A: Follow the following steps: 1. Set SDCard password in BSP 2. Place Test Key N3 on USB stick 3. Power on unit 4. When screen goes black turn unit off and back on 5. When unit shows Mode Change OK screen, remove the SDCard and power off the unit. Update 8/16/2015: Added how to unlock an SD Card. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
AdamOutler Posted August 10, 2015 Report Share Posted August 10, 2015 Due to contractual obligations, I did nothing. I watched. I like watching. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gotofbi Posted August 10, 2015 Report Share Posted August 10, 2015 Great work guys! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
LeshyLeshy Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 @Adam developers don't sleep tonight you should insert just another point in to the FAQ what is bypass ? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WhatIsWhatIsWhatIsWhat Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 Great work guys, subscribing to the topic. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
whitestormy Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 congrats guys. this is huge. thank you for kicking the door open on this. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
nolarola Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 Very well done, all. Maybe we can start off slow and get the x000 devices to work with the x100 firmware? I don't have a jtag device, knowledge, etc, so I'd be very concerned. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Lucca Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 Well done! Now - simply root your devices & have fun with iGO & other stuff... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
JhonnyB Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 Nice, maybe we get an modded AVIC-F70DAB firmware? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Lucca Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 Nice, maybe we get an modded AVIC-F70DAB firmware? Course friend,even modded AVIC-F77DAB... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
JohnnyCanuck Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 Just to confirm the very first sentence "We have eliminated the barriers to development on all AVIC units including Android Auto." Does this mean what I think (and hope) it does? That it will work on non-NEX units as well (like my X940BT)? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Lucca Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 Just to confirm the very first sentence "We have eliminated the barriers to development on all AVIC units including Android Auto." Does this mean what I think (and hope) it does? That it will work on non-NEX units as well (like my X940BT)? Ye,seems they achieved CWW9971 0.14 well... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
JohnnyCanuck Posted August 11, 2015 Report Share Posted August 11, 2015 Awesome ... can't wait to see some compiled ROMs and run Android on it! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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