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[FIX] SDCard Failed? Software Error on your w4500nex? Look here!

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On ۱۴۰۱/۴/۲۵ at 13:04, mclairs said:

سلام به همه،

کسی میدونه Z9250 همون W4500NEX هست یا نه؟ من سعی کردم نوع لمس پنل را به مقاومت تغییر دهم، بوت می شود اما صفحه لمسی کار نمی کند

مطمئن نیستم کجا را نگاه کنم فقط می خواهم قبل از اینکه کارت SD بیشتری رایت کنم تأیید کنم. =(

hi if you find please sey to me my avh-z9250 touch not working

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have two W4500NEX headunits. the SD card failed on one of them.  How do I backup the other one on the unit that is still working? I easily removed the SD card, but I cannot read it in Windows to backup up or make an image.

I merely want to make a block level copy so I can use a reputable SD Card brand to mitigate this issue.

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Is there some test-mode that we can boot into for the W4500NEX? I tried using what i found on the forum, even on my older 4201NEX, and I was unsuccessful.

 If I can boot in a test-mode and can make a backup image, it would probably be ideal

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So I recently had this problem. Happy to have found this thread. Even though I still encountered some hurtles. So have a ZF9350BT. Basically the SE Asian equivalent. On this unit the face is on a set of rails that slide out from the bottom which made this a challenge to get to the hidden SD card. The power went while I was working this at my kitchen table and I accidentally damaged the ribbon connection to the screen. Luckily I was able to have my local computer guy fix it for $60. 

But had a seemingly good idea. He asked if I intended to sell the head unit. I said no, I’ll use it till it bricks. He said well if you don’t mind just cut out an opening for next time. And that’s what we did. 

I’m trying to attach a few pictures but essentially he cut out a perfectly size opening to access the internal SD drive. 



Edited by VonLogan
To add pics
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/17/2023 at 1:32 PM, bassilap said:

That was one thought but I don't think that's the case. My 4500 failed and i real-programmed the same SD card (took countless hours to figure out how to even make the card visible in a computer). And then it still had bootloop issues after reprogramming. So I think the flash memory just starts to fail.

The other issue, even if it was a storage space issue is that simply putting it into a larger SD card doesn't mean there's more "usable" space available. The partitions from the image (specificially the partition where logs are stored) would need to be enlarged as well.

How did make the SD card visible in a computer?

I pulled the card from a working avh-4200NEX, but it's not visible in the computer and so I cannot backup the file image.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/24/2024 at 3:35 AM, SandPatrol said:

How did make the SD card visible in a computer?

I pulled the card from a working avh-4200NEX, but it's not visible in the computer and so I cannot backup the file image.

You need to find the password to unlock it, then get linux with a patched kernel that can initialize locked SD cards. Then unlock it with said password.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My 4400 died yesterday with the software error.  I followed the steps but my head unit just boot looped with a static rainbow flickering screen and repeating.  Is this a symptom of an incompatible sd card?  It was a 32 SDHC 10 HP-branded card I had laying around.

I tried another Samsung 32 SDHC card and it did the same thing.  The first one I used the win32diskimager and the second I used dd in Linux.

I'll have to order a 16 GB card to try that as a last resort.

Update: A 16 GB card was able to boot but then I ran into the 1.02 firmware issue with Android Auto :-/

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  • 3 weeks later...

@fry @Datsun

I purchased a cloned AVH-W4500NEX SD card from eBay and would like to make a backup of the clone..

For whatever reason the SD card I received shows 2.2TB when inserted. I attempted using Ubuntu and ran the dd command in terminal, but it fails without even attempting. I can’t access any data on the card! Any suggestions?

Worst case scenario, I may have to purchase an official pioneer SD card to get a copy of the official w4500 firmware.. I’m just worried I’ll run into the same issue creating an image. (dd failing or SD card showing incorrect size)

Hopefully someone can write a step by step of making a backup of a EBay clone or official SD card. I can’t seem to find any information or guides that are specific to creating an image of a pioneer SD card.

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I am no computer guru just an old man trying to keep my stereo working. My “guess” is that the card you got has already been in a unit and now it is locked by the stereo unit. It sounds like you have nothing to lose by putting it in your unit to see if it works. So far you have done better than I did, I ordered a card off eBay and never got it, even though it said it was delivered, maybe it was just not to me at least you got something I got nothing for my money but screwed. 

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