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[FIX] SDCard Failed? Software Error on your w4500nex? Look here!

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[7/13/2021 update - Part 2 added, see second post]

I've gotten a bunch of messages and gave a few empty promises (sorry guys) that I'd write this up. Life got busy and I haven't had time to tinker with my w4500nex, especially since I traded in my Jeep for a well-equipped Ram (that 12" screen is both awesome and underwhelming). I haven't played with this since but I figured at the very least I could give you a how-to so you could get your radios back online and hopefully someone can build upon my work and make these things really powerful. The software might suck, but the audio hardware and features are a lot better than many of the android models you find on eBay. I've broken this up into 3 sections; how to build a working SDcard from an readily available image using Linux, how to dive deeper down the rabbit hole to tinker with the NEX series and finally some thoughts and final notes.

Quick note of warning: Proceed at your own risk, opening up the device will void your warranty which is probably dead anyways. I'm not responsible for modifications you make to your radio. Something will probably go wrong. You might violate laws in your area. Going 88mph may or may not send you back through time - I hold no responsibilities for time paradoxes.

To get started… "My SDCard Died in my w4500nex, how do I fix it?"

What you'll need;

  • 8gb or 16gb SdCard that's SDHC. SDHC is important, smaller than 8gb or larger than 16gb cards may not work. Even the right size cards might not work, these things can be finicky. Once you write an image to the card and boot the headunit with it installed, it'll lock the sdcard to the unit and you won't be able to re-use it. Best to have a few different brands as spares to be safe.
  • SDCard reader (usb or internal).
    • Bonus: If wanting to experiment with cmd42 (how the SDCards are locked) then know that it seems random on which SDCard readers actually support the CMD42 protocol. 4 of the readers I had did not, but a random chromebook did. Raspberry Pis also support CMD42.
  • Linux desktop, laptop or Virtual Machine. I used Ubuntu. This can probably be done on Windows, but I prefer to use Linux when working with Linux-based operating systems.
  • Tools and instructions on how to open the NEX radio. (If someone is kind enough to post opening instructions, I'll link them here.)

How to make your own SDCard using the W4400NEX image and get a working touchscreen (read section 3 for more info on why this is necessary)

  1. Download the AVH-W4400NEX v1.02 image from this thread (http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/82490-backups-and-images/page/8/ - first post on that link, the filename should be AVIC.zip).
  2. Copy the file to your Linux machine if it's not already there and unzip the archive. You should see a file named AVIC.img. You'll need to mount this IMG file in Linux, access one of the partitions and change the sysd.conf file
  3. Before mounting, make sure it's a valid image by using fdisk (fdisk -u -l .\AVIC.img). If you're using the file I linked above, it should have the same output as the below. 
    Disk ./AVIC.img: 7.53 GiB, 8068792320 bytes, 15759360 sectors
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disklabel type: dos
    Disk identifier: 0x95516e09
    Device      Boot   Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
    ./AVIC.img1      1050624  1071103    20480   10M 83 Linux
    ./AVIC.img2      1071104  1091583    20480   10M 83 Linux
    ./AVIC.img3      1091584  4622335  3530752  1.7G  5 Extended
    ./AVIC.img4      4622336 15042559 10420224    5G 83 Linux
    ./AVIC.img5      1091585  1153023    61439   30M 83 Linux
    ./AVIC.img6      1153025  1214463    61439   30M 83 Linux
    ./AVIC.img7      1214465  3311615  2097151 1024M 83 Linux
    ./AVIC.img8      3311617  3573759   262143  128M 83 Linux
    ./AVIC.img9      3573761  4622335  1048575  512M 83 Linux
    Partition table entries are not in disk order.


  4. Now that you've verified the file, you'll want to mount partition 7 to access the sysd.conf file. To do this you'll want to create a new folder under /mnt (I named my avicpart7) and you'll need to know what the offset of partition 7 is in the SDCard. To get this number, look at the sector size (in this case 512) and do some math (START x SECTORSIZE = OFFSET). For this our offset is 621806080. The command would be sudo mount -o loop,offset=621806080 AVIC.img /mnt/avicpart7 - now when you do "ls /mnt/avicpart7/etc" you should the sysd.conf files in with all the other files in the etc folder.
  5. We only care about the main sysd.conf file, you can modify it by doing 'sudo vim /mnt/avicpart7/etc/sysd.conf' (or your text editor of choice) and scroll all the way to "AVH_W4400NEX" and look for "sysdconf.com.TouchType" then change it from "capacitator" to "resistence". Alternatively, you can copy over the one I did at https://pastebin.com/deeQxhzN.
  6. Now that you made the changes, go back to your home directory and dismount the partition connected to the image; sudo umount /mnt/avicpart7 (and rm -rf /mnt/avicpart7 if you don't need the directory anymore.)
  7. Assuming your using the same PC to write the SD image, stick in a supported SDCard and use dd to write it (i.e. dd if=AVIC.img  of=/dev/sdX bs=4M where sdX = ID of your Sdcard)
  8. Pop that bad-boy into your head-unit (remember to insert it into the hidden OS SDCard spot) and watch it boot. Note that depending on what firmware your unit was on, it might reboot a couple of times while it gets reflashed by the v1.02 firmware on the SDCard.
  9. Provided you followed my instructions (and that I wrote them out correctly), the head-unit should work now.

This should get you going if you're having problems. The next post below goes more indepth about the environment for those who like to tinker. 

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Quick FAQ before we get going…

So how'd my head-unit die anyways?

I don't know for sure but I suspect either the SDCard failed or (the more likely culprit) the SDCard got full from CarPlay and/or Android Auto error logs. I noticed some logs are persistent between boots while others reset on every reboot. So our SDCards dying are likely due to a bug that best I can tell Pioneer hasn't addressed yet.

This seems like a lot of work, can't you just send me an IMG file or maybe sell me a fixed SDCard?

Sorry, legalities in my area don't allow me to resell copyrighted works without permission. I can certainly help guide you and maybe another forum member is willing to help but I'd rather not get a C&D letter from a lawyer, however unlikely that outcome might be. If you want a ready-made image I suggest asd255's ebay posts. It takes about a month and isn't cheap, but Russia doesn't care about this kind of stuff and can ignore a C&D much easier. His cards work fine. 

How do I know if my SDCard is bad?

Most obvious way is seeing a "Software Error" on boot or having your radio go into continuous boot loops. Sometimes you'll see a distorted screen, this seems to occur when it's trying to reflash nand.

Can I backup my SDCard before it goes bad?

Sadly, not yet. Pioneer locked the SDCard using a little-known feature called CMD42 and wrote the password into an old-style kernel crypto store. This means the OS can unlock/unlock the SDCard at-will but we'll need to another way to obtain the password. I suspect it's stored in the Pioneer update that holds the nand flash (and maybe on another location on the sdcard) but I've reached my abilities with this. Note: the head unit locks all SDCards on boot with this CMD42 feature (boot is stored on nand) even if the image is bad. You can't recover the Sdcard at this time but it'll still work in the head-unit (even in the non-OS/media SDCard slot)

Can I unlock the SDCard?

Maybe, but not at this time. I suspect you can unlock via ADB (which may require root still) or via the currently locked debug menu. You can probably obtain files through ADB by putting in a locked SDCard in the multi-media SDCard slot so you can retrieve old files (like your old build.prop & sysd.conf  for the serial number) but I haven't tested this yet.

Will my iDatalink Maestro still work?

I'm not sure. Mine didn't, but I think my Maestro had issues because it wouldn't reflash or even get recognized by multiple PCs over USB. I know when you do the SDCard change above, you change the serial ID of the device so at the very least you'll need to reflash your iDatalink.

More about the 4x00nex series head units.

When equipment dies I like to tinker, especially with embedded systems. I've worked a lot with embedded enterprise hardware over the years including automated pharmacy dispensing systems and have had to make them do things never intended by the original manufacturer. I'm not a professional embedded guy, more of a knowledgeable rulebreaker with electrical engineering and coding tendencies driven by the fact I paid $600+ for a headunit to die just past the year warranty over something so stupid. That's what lead me to hack away at this headunit. At least until I sold my Jeep. I re-installed the factory head-unit and kept my W4500nex, it's sitting on my bench at the moment but my interest went away with the new toy I traded my Jeep for ('19 Ram 2500 w/12" uConnect).

About the pioneer w4500nex headunit - my research has lead me to understand that the 4x00 (4200, 4400, 4500), 6x00 and 8x00 series are all the same basic hardware (Freescale i.MX 6 DualLite SOC, Arm Cortex-A9 Dual-Core 1GHz w/2GB [i.MX in Android Marketing PDF] running Android Automotive 4.2.2 [AAOS]). There's a lot of Pioneer models worldwide that use this platform, if you want to see the various supported models check out the sysd.conf or build.prop on partition 7 of one of the newer updates you can pull from pioneer. The fact that this is android means you can do some pretty interesting things like remote ADB, rooting and potentially running your own rom and apks.

So far I've been able to run the w4400nex image on the w4500nex with touchscreen working (all expected features like CarPlay and AA work fine), added navigation (but without maps) and enabled features here and there. I've also been able to pull down the latest (v1.05 I think) update from one of the 8x00 series and update the SDCard with it. Mostly, it crashes a bunch because I've been able to update every partition except boot which I suspect also holds the NOR flash files. I've also been able make minor modifications to various system files on the sdcard before booting it. Most modifications take, some don't. I went through about 30 sdcards (remember, each one locks on boot so I can't update) before I settled on my clean-ish one I built like the one you can make from the instructions in the first post of this thread.

Here are some additional references I used - these are things that are interesting and helped me understand Android Automotive OS (not to be confused with Android Auto). They might not specifically apply to AAOS on Pioneer head units, i.MX6 Cortex-A9 processors or even AAOS 4.2.2 but they helped me in some way better understand this eco-system.

Part 3 is coming in the next day or so. It will include stuff like getting ADB to work, ideas on rooting, thoughts on avh2avic and more details on experiments I conducted. If you'd like to help offset my cost related to the graveyard of CMD42 locked SDCards, send me some DOGE at DGsgZzXZVLBPgi63daVQc7Rb7bT2FptcCk or even better pass on the knowledge and help make these headunits better than Pioneer intended. Thanks to everyone who's work proceeded me!

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Thanks for the very helpful post. Has anyone done this that has a maestro? My maestro rr refuses to communicate correctly (blinking red light, status nOK on communication screen). Tried flashing maestro w/ latest and re-entering serial number. My serial on screen is same as on chassis even after flash of 4400 modified image.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I believe that the firmware is defaulting to the W8400NEX when it can't lookup the 4500NEX product XML in sysd.conf. This was resulting in a really delayed startup. I transplanted the correct entry from the 8500NEX 1.08 update file using the strings command on the Platform PRG file, which fixed my problem. For reference:

<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
<!-- ******************************19AJ start*********************************** -->
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
    <product model="KM777,UC">
<config name="sysdconf.0.index"                  value="17"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.iDL.HeadType"             value="AV_2DIN"                 />
<config name="sysdconf.bt.LocalName"             value="AVH-W4500NEX"            />
<config name="sysdconf.bt.productId"             value="01E1"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.modelType"             value="MODEL_AVH_M_UC"          />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.safeMode"              value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.region"                value="UC"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.modelname"             value=""                        />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.screenType"            value="6.94inch"                />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.projectname"           value="KM777/UC"                />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.modelname"             value="AVH-W4500NEX/UC"         />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.radio"                 value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.hd"                    value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.dab"                   value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.dvd"                   value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.tmc"                   value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.sxi"                   value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.dtv"                   value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.af"                    value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.amstep"                value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.learnkey"              value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.VerupFile"             value="CVJ3897.YUK"             />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.hasHDMIMute"           value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.AvInput"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.ipodRGB"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.LcdType"               value="RGB666"                  />
<config name="sysdconf.mediamanager.modeltype"   value="AVH,UC"                  />
<config name="sysdconf.set.gpschip"              value="ON"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.set.productType"          value="AVH"                     />
<config name="sysdconf.set.wiredkey"             value="WITH"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.set.dabpower"             value="NOSET"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.set.themesplashindex"     value="4"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.set.dateformat"           value="UC"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.set.dabTA"                value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.set.vkbUC"                value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.set.tuningprename"        value="CarType_A_4_1_"          />
<config name="sysdconf.misc.TravelRegulate"      value="PKBSPEED"                />
<config name="sysdconf.misc.isUSBModelName"      value="0"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.aam"                  value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.aamandroid"           value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.navifusion"           value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.accessoryid"          value="1017"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.screenwidth"          value="1566"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.screenheight"         value="816"                     />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.AccessoryName"        value="Name1"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.PandAcc"              value="058DF7D3"                />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.VehicleModel"         value="After Market"            />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.VehicleMakeYear"      value="2018"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.VehicleMaker"         value="Pioneer"                 />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.HeadUnitMaker"        value="Pioneer"                 />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.HeadUnitModel"        value="AV Receiver High"        />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.videoMarginWidth"     value="0"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.videoMarginHeight"    value="0"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.ml.ClientID"              value="CL130412"                />
<config name="sysdconf.SycCtrl.ServiceScheme"    value="1"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.com.TouchType"            value="resistence"              />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasAAP"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasDIO"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasAAM"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasMirrorLink"        value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasHDMI"              value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasFlap"              value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasgps"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasAha"               value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasPandora"           value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasSD"                value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasCanbus"            value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasDetach"            value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasVABox"             value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasTelMute"           value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasRGBIllum"          value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasTVRGB"             value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.idatalink"            value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.ManufactureID"        value="1010610240"              />
<config name="sysdconf.com.optionMecha"          value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.productType"          value="PRODUCT_AVH_MID"         />
<config name="sysdconf.com.gpstype"              value="gps_sensor"              />
<config name="sysdconf.com.lcdsize"              value="840*480"                 />
<config name="sysdconf.com.lcdtype"              value="1"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.com.modelname"            value="AVH-W4500NEX"            />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.driveLimitGrp"        value="GROUP1"                  />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.physicalWidth"        value="156"                     />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.physicalHeight"       value="82"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.oemLabel"             value="NEX"                     />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.configPath"           value="/etc/airplay_KM500.conf" />
<config name="sysdconf.cm.OthershasSubOpt"       value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.cm.OthershasUSBOpt"       value="TRUE"                    />


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Thanks so much for this walk through.

I just followed the instructions about to weeks ago and got my radio working* again.

Only issue I am having is that my radio works perfectly fine with Apple Carplay but will no longer connect to any Android devices. 

It will connect to Bluetooth for calls, but pandora will not stream via Bluetooth nor will any other audio play from my phone thru the car speakers.

I can't hear anything from the phone until the call actually fully connects and then it works normally until I hang up. This includes not hearing the phone ringing before answering the call. 

As for Android auto, my phone says that it should be available from my car system, but the car doesn't actually display it. 

In fact when trying to connect from the choose your device menu I just get "connection failed" when attempting to connect to my phone. 


Any idea what might have gone wrong since everything else seems to work fine? 

Is this just a flash another SD card and try again kind of thing? Have you seen this before in your testing? 

Thanks in advance for any advice. 

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On 8/5/2021 at 9:21 PM, jrgutier said:

I believe that the firmware is defaulting to the W8400NEX when it can't lookup the 4500NEX product XML in sysd.conf. This was resulting in a really delayed startup. I transplanted the correct entry from the 8500NEX 1.08 update file using the strings command on the Platform PRG file, which fixed my problem.

Thank you! I missed this when I ran through the process for the walkthrough above. I found my old AVIC.img that I burned one of the SDcards with and it had the newer sysd.conf. I didn't catch it because the first bootup with the new SDCard is pretty slow (reflashing I think) and I'm using faster SDCards so the wait isn't that bad (but still about 60-75s). Updating with this brings it down to under 30s. 


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On 7/14/2021 at 1:39 AM, bstrutton said:

Thanks for the very helpful post. Has anyone done this that has a maestro? My maestro rr refuses to communicate correctly (blinking red light, status nOK on communication screen). Tried flashing maestro w/ latest and re-entering serial number. My serial on screen is same as on chassis even after flash of 4400 modified image.


For me, I couldn't get my Maestro working. I figured the S/N changed when the SDCard reflashed the rom (seems to do that on bootup of the new SDcard if the version is different on the head-unit) but I could be wrong. I tried reflashing my Maestro and it I had problems getting it to flash. Could have been my maestro, my setup or something in-between. I never got around to reaching out to them before I sold the Jeep. I still have the maestro, it just won't flash with the software. 

On 8/12/2021 at 9:10 PM, Twister997 said:

Thanks so much for this walk through.

I just followed the instructions about to weeks ago and got my radio working* again.

Only issue I am having is that my radio works perfectly fine with Apple Carplay but will no longer connect to any Android devices. 

It will connect to Bluetooth for calls, but pandora will not stream via Bluetooth nor will any other audio play from my phone thru the car speakers.

I can't hear anything from the phone until the call actually fully connects and then it works normally until I hang up. This includes not hearing the phone ringing before answering the call. 

As for Android auto, my phone says that it should be available from my car system, but the car doesn't actually display it. 

In fact when trying to connect from the choose your device menu I just get "connection failed" when attempting to connect to my phone. 


Any idea what might have gone wrong since everything else seems to work fine? 

Is this just a flash another SD card and try again kind of thing? Have you seen this before in your testing? 

Thanks in advance for any advice. 

Glad to hear you got your radio working again! You might want to try a factory reset on the head-unit and going in your phone and 'forgetting' the w4500nex. My bluetooth and CarPlay worked fine on my Max Pro 11 but I only tested out my old android phone (Google Pixel XL) once or twice. I seem to remember it working but that could have been during the many tests I was doing. I'll dig out that phone and see if I can replicate the issue. If you have another SDCard, you might want to try with jrgutier's sysd.conf. I noticed my w4500 seemed to think it was an w8500 too, however I didn't get the same issues. 

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Haven't had time to do a part 3 yet, but I wanted to share how I got ADB to work. I haven't had any time to mess further with my w4500 but since it's running Android OS 4.2.2 then there's a good chance it can be rooted. If we can root it, we'll be able to unlock sdcards via adb among other pretty awesome ideas.


Concept is simple, you just need a USB 2.0 Type A to Type A adapter. Or if you're like me and don't have a USB 2.0 version and have to deal with USB 3.0 getting in the way, you can route through a USB 2.0 A/B switch like I did. If the desktop/laptop your using has a dedicated USB 2.0 port, use that. The USB 3.0 port will give invalid device descriptor errors because it keeps trying to negotiate with android auto. Since I only had USB3 to play with at the time, I had to use the A/B switch to get around that issue. It's janky but it works. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 on this laptop but it works fine in windows too as long as you have adb and fastboot tools installed. 

I know the video is rough, I just figured it'd help someone instead of me waiting to do a better one. 

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23 hours ago, slackwaredragon said:

For me, I couldn't get my Maestro working. I figured the S/N changed when the SDCard reflashed the rom (seems to do that on bootup of the new SDcard if the version is different on the head-unit) but I could be wrong. I tried reflashing my Maestro and it I had problems getting it to flash. Could have been my maestro, my setup or something in-between. I never got around to reaching out to them before I sold the Jeep. I still have the maestro, it just won't flash with the software. 

Glad to hear you got your radio working again! You might want to try a factory reset on the head-unit and going in your phone and 'forgetting' the w4500nex. My bluetooth and CarPlay worked fine on my Max Pro 11 but I only tested out my old android phone (Google Pixel XL) once or twice. I seem to remember it working but that could have been during the many tests I was doing. I'll dig out that phone and see if I can replicate the issue. If you have another SDCard, you might want to try with jrgutier's sysd.conf. I noticed my w4500 seemed to think it was an w8500 too, however I didn't get the same issues. Hi, 

I did try those things but no luck so far. 


I remembered I have an extra year on my warranty through Amex so I am going to send it out to get it repaired for free. 

Otherwise I would take another crack at it. 

I have another wired radio to use in the interim so I can be lazy about messing with it myself. 

Thanks again for the great walk through. 

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On 8/5/2021 at 9:21 PM, jrgutier said:

I believe that the firmware is defaulting to the W8400NEX when it can't lookup the 4500NEX product XML in sysd.conf. This was resulting in a really delayed startup. I transplanted the correct entry from the 8500NEX 1.08 update file using the strings command on the Platform PRG file, which fixed my problem. For reference:

<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
<!-- ******************************19AJ start*********************************** -->
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
    <product model="KM777,UC">
<config name="sysdconf.0.index"                  value="17"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.iDL.HeadType"             value="AV_2DIN"                 />
<config name="sysdconf.bt.LocalName"             value="AVH-W4500NEX"            />
<config name="sysdconf.bt.productId"             value="01E1"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.modelType"             value="MODEL_AVH_M_UC"          />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.safeMode"              value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.region"                value="UC"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.modelname"             value=""                        />
<config name="sysdconf.ui.screenType"            value="6.94inch"                />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.projectname"           value="KM777/UC"                />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.modelname"             value="AVH-W4500NEX/UC"         />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.radio"                 value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.hd"                    value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.dab"                   value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.dvd"                   value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.tmc"                   value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.sxi"                   value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.dtv"                   value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.af"                    value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.amstep"                value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.learnkey"              value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.VerupFile"             value="CVJ3897.YUK"             />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.hasHDMIMute"           value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.AvInput"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.ipodRGB"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.tm.LcdType"               value="RGB666"                  />
<config name="sysdconf.mediamanager.modeltype"   value="AVH,UC"                  />
<config name="sysdconf.set.gpschip"              value="ON"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.set.productType"          value="AVH"                     />
<config name="sysdconf.set.wiredkey"             value="WITH"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.set.dabpower"             value="NOSET"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.set.themesplashindex"     value="4"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.set.dateformat"           value="UC"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.set.dabTA"                value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.set.vkbUC"                value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.set.tuningprename"        value="CarType_A_4_1_"          />
<config name="sysdconf.misc.TravelRegulate"      value="PKBSPEED"                />
<config name="sysdconf.misc.isUSBModelName"      value="0"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.aam"                  value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.aamandroid"           value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.navifusion"           value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.accessoryid"          value="1017"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.screenwidth"          value="1566"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.screenheight"         value="816"                     />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.AccessoryName"        value="Name1"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.smp.PandAcc"              value="058DF7D3"                />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.VehicleModel"         value="After Market"            />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.VehicleMakeYear"      value="2018"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.VehicleMaker"         value="Pioneer"                 />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.HeadUnitMaker"        value="Pioneer"                 />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.HeadUnitModel"        value="AV Receiver High"        />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.videoMarginWidth"     value="0"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.aap.videoMarginHeight"    value="0"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.ml.ClientID"              value="CL130412"                />
<config name="sysdconf.SycCtrl.ServiceScheme"    value="1"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.com.TouchType"            value="resistence"              />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasAAP"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasDIO"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasAAM"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasMirrorLink"        value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasHDMI"              value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasFlap"              value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasgps"               value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasAha"               value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasPandora"           value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasSD"                value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasCanbus"            value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasDetach"            value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasVABox"             value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasTelMute"           value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasRGBIllum"          value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.hasTVRGB"             value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.idatalink"            value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.com.ManufactureID"        value="1010610240"              />
<config name="sysdconf.com.optionMecha"          value="FALSE"                   />
<config name="sysdconf.com.productType"          value="PRODUCT_AVH_MID"         />
<config name="sysdconf.com.gpstype"              value="gps_sensor"              />
<config name="sysdconf.com.lcdsize"              value="840*480"                 />
<config name="sysdconf.com.lcdtype"              value="1"                       />
<config name="sysdconf.com.modelname"            value="AVH-W4500NEX"            />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.driveLimitGrp"        value="GROUP1"                  />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.physicalWidth"        value="156"                     />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.physicalHeight"       value="82"                      />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.oemLabel"             value="NEX"                     />
<config name="sysdconf.dio.configPath"           value="/etc/airplay_KM500.conf" />
<config name="sysdconf.cm.OthershasSubOpt"       value="TRUE"                    />
<config name="sysdconf.cm.OthershasUSBOpt"       value="TRUE"                    />


To do this, just copy this into the sysdconf? Beginning? End? Doesn't matter? 

Or is that a full sysd.conf and just replace the existing one? 


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On 8/22/2021 at 9:10 AM, Twister997 said:

To do this, just copy this into the sysdconf? Beginning? End? Doesn't matter? 

Or is that a full sysd.conf and just replace the existing one? 


To answer my own question and hopefully help some people out. 


You can copy jrgutiers <product> section and add it to the sysd.conf or you can use this one I am uploading. 

I removed everything except the 4500 section that jrgutier provided (just to make sure it chooses correctly) and it seems to have worked perfectly. 

Still not sure why the other version couldn't interact with android auto but now it's working correctly. 

I did have to forget wifi / Bluetooth on my phone and reset all settings on the radio before it cooperated. 

Thanks again @slackwaredragon for the walk through and @jrgutier for the working config!


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