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New Release F20BT F30BT F40Bt F920BT F930BT F940Bt F840BT Etc 2019

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Hi all,

I found these awesome files and have them. And a F940BT in desperate need of an update.

However, am super not so techy with this.

Would anyone be willing to explain in super simple language what to do?

Question already coming up for me:

- Do I use micro SD card, and put it next to where the CD goes in?

- Do I need to do something to the SD card (how many GB?) before loading the files on it? exfat?

- Am in Netherlands, do I need to change that .cif file?

- Will I need to enter a password and if so, do I try the 1-ones or the double password in caps?

- Can I do it terribly wrong and f* up the old version that is on there now?

Thanks sooo much if anyone is patient enough to assist me with my lack of expertise and jargon :)



I managed to do it without expert assistance :)

for F940BT did not need to the other 2017 cardinfo file, just the one from godzilla.

I did need the shortfuse thing, tried without and didn't accept the password.

I used a 2GB for shortfuse, and a 32GB for the update files.

At first I had them formatted as exFat discs, and I got a notificated that the drive was incompatible with the device. Reformatted as MS-DOS (FAT) and then it did work.

Feeling like a super expert now :).

Thanks to all of you for the information provided here, couldn't have figured it out without it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
34 minutes ago, one said:

Hello, is it possible to upgrade my F930BT with godzilla's files directly from device factory default or do I have to patch it with any previous version? Thanks a lot for your reply.

If you are asking if you need to install all the intervening updates first, no you don't.  You will need to run the ShortFuse hack.

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Hi, I updated my F9310BT with ShortFuseScript and 2019a maps provided in this tread, and everithing worked perfectly! It was not necessary to change the CARDINFO.cif file, therefore I simply used the one included in the 2019a maps package.

Thanks everybody for your excelent job!

Now I'm looking for LATEST ITALY UPDATE SPEED-CAM / RADAR. Does anyone have an idea where to find them?

Thanks a lot guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, pmc2 said:


do we have to install shortscript or not (this message let me understand that apart from transferring the files provided by godzilla, there was nothing else to do).

Nothing in that post says not to follow the instructions (run Shortfuse). It was about whether the user needed to replace Cardinfo, and not modifying any other files on the SD. Shortfuse does not modify the installation SD, it modifies files on the headunit before installing the map update.

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8 minutes ago, RonS said:

Nothing in that post says not to follow the instructions (run Shortfuse). It was about whether the user needed to replace Cardinfo, and not modifying any other files on the SD. Shortfuse does not modify the installation SD, it modifies files on the headunit before installing the map update.

ok thanks,

so: 1/ shortuse for password 2/map 3/ tts (optional) 4/ speedcam (optionnal).

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1 hour ago, pmc2 said:

so: 1/ shortuse for password 2/map 3/ tts (optional) 4/ speedcam (optionnal).

Yes on 1&2. I'm in US so I can't help with 3&4. We don't need additional TTS and no speedcam support.

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