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New Release F20BT F30BT F40Bt F920BT F930BT F940Bt F840BT Etc 2019

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- the files I downloaded; I copied it to an 8Gb memory card formatted as fat32. (Not tts)

I plugged it into the unit, but it didn't update. I updated Bluethoot manually to 3.32.
- cardinfo.cif should be updated?

Can you share the necessary files for the next steps and explain the necessary steps as simple as possible?
Thank you

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On 6/5/2020 at 9:53 AM, seth_space said:


That error is probably  because the SD was write-protected (or some other problem the script had while writing to the SD).

The 2017 hack overwrote both copies (PRG0 and PRG1) of RenewalIFLib.dll, and installing the 2017 maps overwrote one of them with an "un-hacked" version. As long as PRG0 has the hacked version, you can get away without re-running the ShortFuse hack. Odds are 50/50 it will work. You got lucky. It all depends on how many updates have been installed over the life of the head-unit. 

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On 6/5/2020 at 10:48 AM, seth_space said:


Tried several SDCards with the same result.. no write protection.

Not sure if i understand you correctly.. there are two version of the hacked dll in the unit? And the overwriting is "random".. seems strange..



Not random. There are two complete sets of firmware on the unit (PRG0 and PRG1).  When the unit installs a map update, it alternates overwriting one of them. It should overwrite the oldest. This is controlled by the presence or absence of /USER/PRG.FLG.  From memory, it works something like this: When the unit is brand new, PRG0 and PRG1 are identical and PRG.FLG does not exist. The next map update overwrites PRG1 and creates PRG.FLG. The next time the unit is updated, it sees that PRG.FLG exists and overwrites PRG0 then deletes PRG.FLG. Then this cycle repeats ........

I don't know why only you seem to be having problems installing the hack. In the future you could edit the script on your PC to remove the section where it creates backup copies of those files by writing them to the SD.

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On 30/05/2020 at 11:51 AM, spoon1 said:

@ Topchaca did you uese hack ?

because if you not put sd card with hack before update maps then you have situation like your screenshot !

@spoon1i think something was wrong with the update file I switched it with a file that was previously uploaded and it worked fine

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@godzillajust checking in to see how you are doing in health terms !  And to also thank you (and the other major contributors like @spoon1  and @RonS)

Just got feedback from my dad that he is so happy with the new updates on the device. Apart from the new maps, also the firmware upgrade seems to have had a positive effect on how the device works.


When anybody thinks they can benefit from me sharing the pictures/screenshots here that I made during the process (i haven't gotten through to that yet...), please let me know, and I'd be happy to speed that up.

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